Federation News Jul - Dec 2013

UPDATE 30.12.13

Huxley Cup Competition 2014

Attention all flower arrangers!

On behalf of the NFWI Cookery Committee, I am pleased to inform you that the Huxley Cup Competition 2014 will take place in the Gloucestershire Federation of WI's marquee at The Royal Three Counties Show, Malvern on the 13 to 15 June 2014.  

As you are aware, the aim of the competition is to find the flower arranger who shows maximum creativity and skill and we very much hope that your federation will respond to this challenge!  

The overall theme for the hosting marquee will be 'Inspiring Women' and the title for the Huxley Cup Competition will be 'Inspiration'.  Competitors are invited to enter a pedestal exhibit of plant material and may interpret the title as they wish.

Each federation may submit up to two entries to the competition although the competitor currently holding the Huxley Cup is not eligible for entry.  An entry form for each competitor must be completed and sent, with a C6 SAE, to Helen Neal at the NFWI Unit, Denman College by 28 March 2014.

You can download the entry form for the competition HERE

You can download the schedule for the competition HERE

You can read the invitation to enter the competition HERE

UPDATE 28.12.13

Associated Country Women of the World Conference Sept - October 2013

Brenda Drake, one of our WI Advisers in Herefordshire, member of Huntingdon Hereford WI and our representative for the ACWW attended this conference, and here is her report.

From September 24th - 2nd October 2013, the world came to Chennai, India for the 27th Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World and organisation dedicated to raising confidence and living standards of rural women.   India certainly know how to do a welcome with music and dancing and, of course, their lovely costumes.  Hosted by the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, a teaching and nursing order, who organised the young women in their colourful saris who carried the flags of 69 nations belonging to ACWW.   We also had many other young people who entertained us in the evenings after the plenary sessions where resolutions were debated and reports from statuary committees and the 9 Area Presidents of the work they carry out were received.   345 delegates had the opportunity to hear first hand of the work and the chance to network and meet old friends and make new ones and also to go out to some of the villages to meet the woman receiving help through projects and education.


Flower patterns were changed each morning.qcww2 

Flag parade of 69 nations and outgoing World President Mrs May Kidd of Scotland




UPDATE 26.12.2013

WIs and Food Provision in the Community

NFWI and the Food Standards Agency have provided some guidance on food provision produced by volunteers for charity. For your assistance, the WI food hygiene advice and catering for an event are also attached as a reminder for all food producing activities.

You can see these documents by clicking on the link HERE


Chairman's letter for December/January

I had a couple of lovely visits in October, I went to the Group Show at Kingsland. The number and quality of the entries was marvellous. The displays of craft, cooking and flower arranging were beautiful.  I had been invited to present the prizes which was an honour.  For anyone who hasn't been to the show it is well worth a visit so look out for it next year- the tea and cakes are excellent too!

Kingsland Group Show 

Kingsland Group Show Winners at Kingsland Group Show with Kathryn Bandfield, Chairman

I was also invited to Wellington WI where I was asked to talk about the Federation and being chairman, it was a good opportunity to share what we do and the members were surprised at the extent and scope of responsibility which we hold.

You will have received an update from the Treasurer in your November Secretary's Notes.  I had intended to send a covering letter with it but as I wasn't able to I wanted to explain a little more about the finances.  You will have seen that we have been able to transfer £10,000 back into the savings account.  Whilst this is very good, and to some extent is due to fundraising events, it is largely due to funds raised at the Three Counties Show.  After expenses the profit made was £8667.75. I wanted to share this with you because although we had a wonderful small team none of it would have been possible without the invaluable help from WI members serving, making sandwiches and washing up but also all those of you who made and donated cakes.  We only have the opportunity to do this once every three years so for the next two years we may struggle not to use the savings again.  So a big thank you to everyone.

The trustees have decided that in future we will produce a spreadsheet explaining the finances in more detail every three months; these will be sent out with secretary notes.

Sadly at the end of October one of the trustees, Margaret Byford was taken seriously ill and is in hospital.  When I visited her at the beginning of November she was looking a little better but I am sure you would want to send your good wishes to her for a speedy recovery.

I would also like to take this opportunity to send my very best wishes to you and your families for a peaceful, healthy and happy Christmas and New Year.

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com


Enclosed with the December/January newsletter is a form for you to nominate trustees. Please can I ask you to consider carefully if you know of anyone who would be suitable and willing to consider standing as a trustee.  We are a very small band and would welcome some extra help and new blood is always important to bring new ideas and enthusiasm.  It doesn't matter how long you've been a member or what age you are.

If you would like to discuss it please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com



Winner: Doris Knight from Wellington WI, with Enchantment of Everyday Life (see front of the December/January newsletter, and also see below).

The adjudicator enjoyed this poem; it had a definite pattern of rhyme and rhythm.  The language was simple, direct and honest. Each verse represented a separate facet of the author's everyday life, someone who found enchantment in what she described.

Runner Up: Carole Rowlands from Eaton Bishop WI.

This poem was a near winner!  A very clever poem with consistent rhymes. Good images, which told a lovely story.

Highly Recommended: Norma Sidney from Marden WI for her Gone to War poem.

All poems can be read in full if you click on the link below.

Winning Poems from the Poetry Competition

Alison Lord, 01544 340256, Email: alisonrlord@btinternet.com


Just over 80 people attended the International Evening at Sutton St Nicholas Hall, this year with the theme of Ireland.  The members of the Education Committee and their assistants ably cooked and served a delicious two course meal; we had wonderful live music from the two piece Whisky River, a raffle and competition ; after we had eaten, Phil Collins, rally driver kept us in stitches with his accounts of his career in rallying and building rally cars.  

Many thanks to everybody who provided the food and helped on the night and Eileen Dilley (The Suttons WI) who organised the raffle.

Phi Collins rally driver 

Phi Collins rally driver Phil Collins

Alison Lord, 01544 340256, Email: alisonrlord@btinternet.com


Did you know Herefordshire has its own section on the National WI website? Have a look!  I have now brought the pages completely up to date since the revamp; a lot of our news from the newsletter is on our website pages plus photographs, also a calendar of events to remind you of dates.  You can also look up older news and photos too.  If your WI has a website, I can put a link to your website on the 'Find Your WI' pages.  If you publish your information on a village website, I can put a link to that website on the pages too, you just have to let me know.  There is still a problem with the map so we have to wait until that is fixed.  Please let me know if you have any other ideas.



Herefordshire Federation has a new page on Facebook!  Go to:


Like us, and you will get up to date news straight onto your own Facebook page.

Alison Lord,  Digital Champion, Tel: 01544 340256, Email:  digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com


Members from Tupsley, Wye Women, Ballingham and Marden came to WI House for the training sessions in November.  

Next dates booked are 4 December 2013, 22 January and 6 March 2014.  Please contact me to book your space and what you would like to practise: sessions are very relaxed!  You must let me know in advance if you wish to come otherwise the sessions will not run.  There is a nominal charge of £2.50 per person.

We have laptops running Windows 8 but if you wish to bring your own computer or tablet/Ipad that you are used to, that will be fine.  If you use a mouse please bring it!

I can also arrange sessions at my house if you have your own computer/laptop and you are prepared to come to the north of the county!!

Alison Lord,  Digital Champion, Tel: 01544 340256, Email:  digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com


Friday afternoon saw 4 strangers pile into one car for the journey to Denman College.  An uneventful journey followed and we arrived in time for afternoon tea knowing each other a little better.  We were 4 of 10 members from Hereford arriving for the weekend.

Three of us out of the 10 tried our hands at Patisserie in the well-equipped and modern kitchen classroom.  We were told we were the lucky ones as there was a waiting list of 8.  There were plenty of demonstrations, practical sessions and more importantly the tasting of samples that the tutor made.  We were given many tips that wouldn't be found in any cookery book and surprise, surprise there were no disasters.  We had great fun and came home with cool boxes full of examples from our excellent efforts.

Others tried their hands at a Stained Glass panel, more learnt about Shakespearean plays and another spent the weekend painting with water colours.

I had a lovely weekend despite putting on weight and have already booked my next course when I will be learning how to make cheeses of all sorts.

Our journey home after Sunday lunch saw us making a couple of small detours, one gave us the chance to view a 'service area' so that we could turn around and the other a complete 360 around one of the many confusing Gloucester roundabouts.  I hope all other drivers knew the way!

Sallie Hopper, Much Birch WI

stained glass 

Gill Harnett's stained glass panel


Confirmation of the details for the new conferences which NFWI are holding in the New Year have been sent through.  For Herefordshire it will be at the Three Counties Showground on the 13 and 14 March 2014.  

The first day is for the board of trustees, advisors and officers from the federation and the next day is for presidents from WI's.  The aim is for The NFWI Board to work more closely with members and to inspire them to access the huge amount of resources and expertise available to federations. WI's and individual members. More information will be available in the New Year.

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com


Chairman's Letter for November:

I began September by attending the Caring Challenge Conference and I have written a separate article which appears in the November Newsletter.

Alison Lord, one of the trustees and Digital Champion took 9 members and our publicity stand to Kington Show and it was very successful, promoting the WI and selling calendars and other WI material.

On the 19th I was fortunate to be invited to Almeley WI's 90th Birthday and Dinedor WI's 60th Birthday.  What a day!  At Almeley we had afternoon tea and a past member, Kath Watkins entertained us and passed on stories from Mary Evans, who unfortunately could not attend but who was going to be 100 the next day, she has been a WI member for 87 years!

Almeley WI 90th birthday 

Almeley 90th birthday 2 

Almeley WI 90th birthday

In the evening Dinedor was entertained by The Military Wives Choir (Hereford), they were so talented, and they ended by singing Jerusalem with us, fantastic!

On the 24th the fundraising committee took us to Lyde Arundel by kind permission of the Watkins family who gave the facilities for free in memory of their mother, Rosa Watkins, who had been a WI member at Kingstone.  The entertainment was Adam Henson from Countryfile who was an excellent speaker and so familiar as he is in our sitting rooms every Sunday evening!

Adam Henson

Ladies of Stoke Prior WI with Adam Henson

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878
Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com


The WI Choir travelled to Denman on 22nd September and met other WI Choirs and singers for a vocal workshop.  We were introduced to Jonathan Willcocks, the Director of Music for the Centenary Choir Competition.  The Choir enjoyed a full day of singing in a number of languages, including an African tribal dialect!!  It was great to meet Jonathan and he introduced us to the commissioned piece he had composed, which will be sung by the winning choir at the Centenary Celebrations to be held in the Royal Albert Hall in June 2015.

It is not too late to join the choir and you would be made very welcome by Jon Watson, our Musical Director, and the ladies of the choir.  We meet on a Monday evening at 7 pm in the Hereford Music School, Castle Street, Hereford.

For further information please contact: Jean Thornton, Choir Coordinator, Tel: 01981 500421 Email: jmt.moccas@gmail.com


Centenary Celebrations 2014/2015

As you all know it is our centenary in 2015 and we are making arrangements to invite all WI's to meet at the Courtyard to celebrate together on 4 June 2015. Celebrations from the Albert Hall will be shown as they happen so that we can all feel part of them.

In addition a baton is being taken to every federation during 2014/15 and arriving at the Albert Hall in 2015 for the celebrations.  Each federation will be able to put 12 pictures on a memory stick, they should represent the WI in our county and you will have seen an invite for your photographs last month.

The baton will be in Herefordshire for the week 2 to 9 September 2014 and we are hoping that every WI will take part in passing it around the county.  

You can transport it in any way you wish – horse, bike, canoe, the more innovative the better.  During that week we are hoping to have a picnic or lunch where we all get together and on that day a celebrity from the county will


Do you know what your WI Advisers do?

A WI Adviser is accountable to the National Federation through the Membership Support Chairman and the Federation Chairman.  

She may have to act as communicator, councillor and mediator to make sure that WI members know what is available to them and help them get value for their subscription.

She will attend and help at all types of meetings, informing and encouraging members and helping struggling WI's where she can. She will keep the Federation informed of WI activities and options.

Where a WI fails she may join two together in an enlargement or sadly suspend the failing WI.  On the bright side WI Advisers are responsible researching areas for new WI's for forming the new WI's and for the planning and running of training sessions for members.

If you would like to know more please ring me on 01544 327844.

Avril Killick , Chairman Membership Support Committee


Thank you for supporting this event.  Big apologies to those who did not have full choice of main course.  We did have a counter in front so we could serve food behind.  On our arrival Thursday morning all had been removed.

Just a few things I thought you ought to know.  Trevor, Christine's husband,  collected all the glasses, washed and returned them.  Christine collected all the cutlery trays pans etc from WI House.  I collected all the plates, bowls (2 per person) from Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall, washed them at home and my husband helped me to return them.  We bought the best quality food and made all the soups, salads and puddings.

I am sure you all enjoyed Adam's company, he was an absolute 'star' so helpful. I had a sleepless night worrying about our equipment.  Adam came along and with help from Robert made everything work.  His talk was inspirational and his enthusiasm for farming shone through.  I think he was well worth his fee of £2,000 + VAT and expenses.  We get 10% of book sales.

My sincere thank you to Christine and Trevor Fletcher, Cicely Symonds, June Stephens, Margaret Playford, Pat Baugh and Muriel and Sue who served soup and collected tickets. Also  Lesley Lowe our new committee member and my husband, Ted.

Eileen Dilley, Chairman, Tel: 01432 880527


Computer training: Members from Dorstone, Saltmarshe and Tupsley came to WI House for the training sessions in October.  

Next dates booked are Weds 6 November, Weds 4 December and Weds 22 January.  So if you would like practice in any of the following in a friendly setting, please contact me to book your space:

email, filing your documents, Skype, social networking e.g. Facebook, online shopping,  searching the internet for information,  using the WI Moodle,  sending photos and/or attachments to people, on-line Banking, backing up, creating letters/documents and spreadsheets.

You must let me know in advance if you wish to come otherwise the sessions will not run.  There is a nominal charge of £2.50 per person.

We have laptops running Windows 8 but if you wish to bring your own computer or tablet/Ipad that you are used to, that will be fine.  If you use a mouse please bring it!

I can also arrange sessions at my house if you have your own computer/laptop and you are prepared to come to the north of the county!!

WI website progress: The national website is now up and running and I have brought it up to date.   It can be accessed on www.thewi.org.uk/herefordshire

Alison Lord,  Digital Champion, Tel: 01544 340256, Email:  digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com


In September I took our publicity stand to the Kington Show in the Horticultural Tent with kind permission of the Show committee.  We sold some calendars and other goods and met many local people who were interested in the WI but were not already members.  I also had volunteer helpers on the stall from Kington, Kingswood, Pembridge and Staunton on Arrow WI's.  Karen van Hoff and Kate Price demonstrated jewellery and patchwork respectively and gathered many interested onlookers.

Alison Lord, Trustee

wellington 50th 

Wellington WI's 80th birthday


At the National Council Meeting the board announced some new conferences which they are holding next year.  For Herefordshire it will be at the Three Counties Showground on the 13 and 14 March 2014.  

The first day is for the board of trustees, advisors and officers from the federation and the next day is for presidents from WI's.  The aim is for us all to meet members from the National Board and to find out what is available to you and what they can provide.

More information will be provided by 'National' in the near future.

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman



On 2 September 2013 the Cogan Cup Competition was held.  An excellent evening with 6 WIs giving readings from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Cranford by Mrs Gaskell or one of P G Wodehouse's Blandings Books.  It was won by Peterstow WI with their extract from Blanding's, The Adjudicator.  Mrs Fay Wentworth found it hard to judge due to high standards with only 5 points difference between first and last participants.

Brenda Drake, Tel: 01432 356653

The WI in Herefordshire

There is a National Photographic Competition and the winning entries from each Federation will be uploaded onto a memory stick which will be held in the baton when it journeys through the UK.  The baton will eventually arrive at the Royal Albert Hall for the Centenary Celebration in June 2015.


All WI's should have received notification from National about the possibility of being part of the celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall via a national broadcast.  This will give us the opportunity to watch the event in our own homes or with our WI's.  However, it has been suggested that, as a Federation, we may want to get together to celebrate as a group and make this a special event.

The Courtyard Theatre is used to arranging these types of live broadcasts on a 'big screen' and tentative discussions have taken place to ascertain if this is possible; it is.

Before we go any further with making plans, please would you let me know if your WI's would, in principle, be interested in making this event an HFWI Celebration?  I would be grateful for your responses, both positive and negative by the end of November 2013, thank you.

Janice Durkin,  2015 Committee, Email: janice.durkin@btinternet.com



Three members from Dorstone came to WI House for the training session in September.  

Next dates booked are Weds October 9, Weds 6 November and Weds 4 December.  So if you would like practice in any of the following in a friendly setting, please contact me to book your space: email, filing your documents, Skype, social networking e.g. Facebook, online shopping,  searching the internet for information,  using the WI Moodle,  sending photos and/or attachments to people, on-line Banking, backing up, creating letters/documents and spreadsheets.  You must let me know in advance if you wish to come otherwise the sessions will not run.  There is a nominal charge of £2.50 per person.
We have laptops running Windows 8 but if you wish to bring your own computer or tablet/I pad that you are used to, that will be fine.

Alison Lord                       Tel: 01544 340256, Email:  digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com


I was asked to write a piece about the role of a trustee .  It was quite difficult but I hope this helps to explain what we do.

Herefordshire Federation has a Board of Trustees currently consisting of 7 trustees (we can have a maximum of 12).  On the Board there is a treasurer- June Stephens, a vice-chairman - Cicely Symonds who is also our press officer, Alison Lord - Digital Champion, Jan Davis who looks after campaigns, Jean Thornton – Federation Choir and Margaret Byford who is responsible for WI Forum.  I am the Federation Chairman.

The Board meets once a month and board members are also on at least one of the sub-committees.
Our role is to be responsible for the running of the federation and look after any property belonging to the Federation.  This entails purchasing equipment such as computers, microphones etc, wherever possible we seek to purchase equipment by way of bidding for available grants and we are usually successful with our bids.

The trustees organise courses and educational activities.  We do this by being members of sub-committees eg the recent willow weaving courses were organised by a trustee and were educational. The objective of our events and trips are to encourage members to take part in activities, to educate and enable members to socialise together

We design and publish material such as leaflets to promote HFWI giving information about the WI and also pop-up stands to advertise ourselves.

We promote international understanding by supporting our delegate on ACWW and seeking and giving information on current worldwide issues.

We seek to influence public opinion –  we do this by supporting and promoting national campaigns and getting involved in local affairs such as the closure of libraries.  We promote this using the Newsletter.
We raise funds by being members of the sub-committees and organising and supporting events.  We approve the calendar, Christmas cards and any other profit making material.

We are responsible for maintaining WI House and any other property belonging to the federation and ensure that the fabric of WI House is kept in good order and any equipment is maintained and replaced as necessary
We manage the finances of HFWI including investing moneys and budgeting to ensure that funds are raised and available for essential needs such as staff salaries.

We manage the staff at WI House and ensure that their requirements and those of WI members are met.
We have to make sure that any property is properly insured against any foreseeable risk.
We do all things lawful and in accordance with the Constitution to further the objectives of the WI.

Apart from essential expenses the Trustees receive no remuneration.

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878
Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com



The reason I joined the WI was to have fun and get involved with working with fellow members. At the time I could not have imagined that this would mean that I would have to organise the Three Counties Show. Fortunately I wasn't alone my fellow committee members threw themselves into the organising, two days of setting up and then the three days of the show.

The theme "The WI is...." was taken up by our WI Groups and some lovely displays were set up. Members volunteered to demonstrate their skills and provided wonderful examples of their work, thank you all for coming along and showing off your skills and making the marquee look so good.

During the show approximately ninety members volunteered their time and came and did what the WI does best they made the public feel welcome; they worked with creativity and initiative. Thank you so much for your help and your time and you helped make it a happy experience for me too.

Finally thank you to all the cake makers. In the end you came up trumps and we had loads and we sold everyone of them. The public came in for refreshments and were spoilt for choice. From the start of the show we sold cakes on the sales table. At the very last we sold plates with mixed slices of cakes, everything went, everyone at a fair price. Also thank you for the preserves we could have sold more!                 

Thank you to everyone I hoped you all enjoyed the experience, if you did please tell your friends and encourage them to volunteers next time.

Avril Killick , Chairman Three Counties Ad Hoc Committee

Education, International & Public Affairs Sub Committee

Willow weaving: Two very successful days were held in July at halls in Staunton on Arrow and Hampton Bishop.  Our tutor Dave Jackson from Wildwood Crafts was excellent and very patient, and 24 ladies went home very happy with their obelisks and willow flowers.  I hope to be able to book another session, probably for April 2014 at the start of the gardening season, and have also been asked whether there could be a follow up session to make other objects.

Alison Lord, Education, International & Public Affairs Sub Committee, Tel: 01544 340256

willow weaving 

Willow Weaving, Staunton on Arrow July 2013

willow weaving 

Willow Weaving, Hampton Bishop July 2013



On June 3rd we took a coach to the AGM in Cardiff.  It was necessary to do more business than usual in the morning as we had to vote on the new constitution.  I felt that Herefordshire Federation were at an advantage as we had properly considered the papers that we had been sent over the last 18 months and understood what was being discussed.

Ruth Bond then gave her address which was informative and entertaining, telling us particularly about her experiences whilst travelling on WI duties.  After the business of the meeting came the guest speakers.  William Shawcross, the new Chairman of the Charities Commission, gave a very informative talk.

The morning ended with a very positive report on Denman and the message was – keep using it!

After lunch Griff Rhys-Jones talked to us about the projects that he has been involved in recently.  This was particularly appropriate as it covered many of the issues in the proposed resolution 'Decline of our high streets and town centres'.

We then discussed and voted on the resolution.  After lively discussion including the appropriateness of the wording, for example that it should have included village shops and post offices in rural areas.  This seemed particularly appropriate in a county such as Herefordshire.   However the resolution was passed with a majority of 87%.

Our next speaker was John Humprys from the Today Programme, he told us stories from his life as a journalist, he was very entertaining and told us that he has asked the Queen twice to give him an interview and her answer was 'No' and when pressed a second time she again said 'No, and that if she ever did give an interview it would not be to him!'

The day ended with audience participation - Jonathon Willcocks teaching us a song with actions!

It was time to go home and as usual Jones Coaches did an excellent job of getting us home well ahead of schedule.  I would like to thank Lynda for her excellent organisation which ensures the day runs very smoothly.

More details of the day can be found at website address: www.thewi.org.uk

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878


We have just spent 3 days at the Three Counties Show and this year it was our turn to run the WI Marquee.  It was wonderful and I am not the only WI member to say that I felt so proud when I saw it.

The WI Group displays were excellent, the different ways in which the groups had interpreted their title were super and the quality of the crafts was outstanding.

The people who demonstrated for us kept people amused all day and inspired members of the public to take up new skills.

Lastly, but not least, the catering was perfect, we received so many compliments about the quality of our cakes and food.

I have a long list of thanks so am not able to name them all but I have to thank Avril Killick who organised the whole event beautifully and her husband, Don, whose printing gave such a professional  look also to her catering team.  Thanks to our treasurers' team who looked after the finances and last but not least, to all the WI members who gave their time and worked tirelessly and made such beautiful cakes.

There was a real sense of working together. Thank you all so much.

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman

PS Avril left for a well deserved holiday immediately after the show, but wanted to thank everyone who was involved.