Annual Council Meeting May 2014
The Chairman, Kathryn Bandfield
As Vice Chairman of any organisation one expects that you may one day be invited to become chairman but nothing prepares you for the post and it has been a bit like a roller coaster ride, sometimes I feel that I am eating, sleeping and living the WI!
To say that it is not hard work would not be true but it is more than made up by the pleasure gained by going out and meeting members and joining their meetings and events.
The Board of Trustees have had many comings and goings and sadly just when we believed that we were settled one of the longest serving members Margaret Byford became poorly and passed away in December. She will be missed and fondly remembered by many members. On a positive note we have three new trustees, Janice Durkin, Val Lewis and Veronica Madgen. The trustees are all voluntary and unpaid, they provide valuable support to me and ensure that the federation is run properly and within the rules of the constitution.
We are a very small number both on the Board of Trustees and the sub-committees and if anyone feels able to contribute by becoming a trustee or as a member on one of the committees you would be made very welcome. Alternatively you may want to help at individual events when we need extra support, please contact me if you would like to join the list of volunteers.
The committees provide us all with entertainment, education and fun at a reasonable price and at the same time provide the Federation with income. I am well aware of the hard work that goes into each and every event and I thank all members who are involved in them and the people at home who support them.
We also have a Federation Choir which is very popular, wherever I go members tell me how much they enjoy it and at their first public engagement at the Carol Service in December it was obvious that they do. They gave a wonderful performance and looked very professional. They will be taking part in the Centenary Choir Competition 'Singing for Joy, the heats are in Shrewsbury in October and members will be given an opportunity to support them.
The Newsletter has continued to be a good way for us to keep in contact with members and keep them informed. We have made a big effort recently to include photographs sent in by members rather than using generic ones so please keep sending in your pictures and articles, it is your magazine. Thank you to everyone involved the production, packing and distribution of the Newsletter.
I would also like to thank the officers of individual WI's, the secretaries, treasurers and presidents who work tirelessly to keep WI's going, it is always desperately disappointing to hear of WI's having to close because of lack of members willing to take on these roles. Sadly we lost Much Marcle this year, in contrast the two new WI's, Wye Women and Leominster Lassies, are thriving and getting involved in the community, well done! The work of setting up new WI's and closures is carried out by the advisers as is support to existing WI's. They too are a very small team who work hard and who would welcome new members.
What were you doing on 31st December? I was finalizing a bid for a grant which had to be submitted no later than the end of the year. The bid was successful and has been awarded for recruiting new members. We will be holding two events in October and November to encourage new members to join the WI. We will be targeting young farmers, mums at the school gates and other young people to try to encourage them to join the WI. We have a wonderful membership in Herefordshire but we need some new blood to keep us going, many members have been the president, secretary and treasurer and would like to sit back and enjoy the meetings but to do this we need new members to take on these roles. In return we can then share our experiences and talents with them. This was how I became involved in WI as a young woman and I would like to encourage it throughout the county.
Alison Lord, our Digital Champion, who is one of the trustees, has been working very hard to take the Federation into the 21st century and has done well in continually updating the website and training members. The training has taken place at WI House and it has been good to see WI House used by members, all those who have taken part have gone away satisfied and some have returned for extra tuition. We are also now on Facebook. If you are interested in receiving training with IT please contact me or Alison.
It has been a busy year with many outings, visits, activities and of course it was our turn to run the marquee at the Royal Three Counties Show. The Royal Three Counties Show is organised by the past chairman and this year it was Avril Killicks turn to make the arrangements. With her small but wonderful team (including Don) she did a wonderful job. It was perfect, everything was beautifully presented and it ran like clockwork. Although the team was small it was greatly supported by many WI members who appeared for each shift prepared for anything, all working quietly and efficiently and of course all those wonderful cakes provided by members. The compliments were endless. Whilst being enjoyable, the profit that it has provided has greatly helped the budget.
We did not have a half-yearly council meeting last year as it was decided by the members that it was not necessary however it was agreed that this would be reviewed and we will be asking members if they would like one in future. This also applies to the shop as it has been sadly missed by members and we are looking into ways of making it viable so that members can enjoy it once more.
We enjoyed many events this year including lunches with Adam Henson and Anne Widdecombe. Holidays to Italy, craft workshops including Willow Weaving, stands at Longtown Show and Kington, an international evening with a rally driver and an Irish band and to end the year a Christmas visit to Stratford and a beautiful carol concert.
As usual a group of members went to the Cardiff to attend the AGM, it was excellent with very good speakers, William Shawcross, Gryff Rhys-Jones, John Humphrys from the Today programme and Jonathan Willcocks. There was quite a lot of business to do this year as it was necessary to approve and adopt the 'New Articles' in addition to the usual items but it was an enjoyable day.
Also in 2013 we sadly lost our national chairman, Ruth Bond who has been an inspiration to us all for the last four years and she was replaced by Janice Langley.
In October June Stephens, the ex-treasurer and I attended the Autumn National Conference in Bedfordshire. The main topic for discussion was the Inspiring Women Meetings for Presidents and federation representatives which were held by the NFWI Board of Trustees in March at the Three Counties Showground. I know there was a mixed response to them and mainly it was felt that they were good if you were new to WI but not so helpful if you had been a member for a while. All agreed that it was a good opportunity to meet officers from NFWI.
I attended the national Social Care Conference last September which focussed on the important role women play in caring for family members and others particularly those with dementia. We are fortunate in that Marilyn Haines-Evans, Chair of Public Affairs has agreed to attend today to tell us more about the subject.
In October a group of members went for week-end to Denman where they took part in a variety of courses including stained glass making, Shakespeare and patisserie. Val is hoping to organise a residential federation visit and a designer day later in the year, if you are able, please support it, we must try to keep Denman for future generations and the only way is to keep going.
This year is the beginning of the celebrations for 2015, the Centenary of the WI. This year the baton is being passed around all WI's in England and Wales, it will pass through Herefordshire from 2nd to the 9th September 2014. During this time it will pass from group to group, all of whom are organising events and wonderful ways of carrying the baton – boat, horse, Bentley and zimmer frame are just a few. On Sunday 7 September Clive Richards and the family have invited us to use their garden which is beautiful and is only open a few times a year for the yellow book scheme so we are honoured to have been given the opportunity to use it. We are going to open the garden to the public, neighbouring federations and members and we will serve afternoon tea. There will be plants, preserves and cakes for sale, a tombola and of course a raffle, all of the proceeds will be donated to the WI. When you are making your jam please make an extra jar or two for us to sell and when you are gardening please pot up a plant or two. Many members have indicated that they wish to dress in costume of the period but this is optional. Preparations for the baton are being finalised at a meeting on 10 June at Hampton Bishop Village Hall at 2.30, please come along if you are able. Look in your Newsletter or on our website or on our Facebook page for more information.
The baton will reach its final destination at the Albert Hall in 2015. We have already advised in the Newsletter of a competition for the 12 photographs that will be loaded onto the baton as part of our memories of the WI in Herefordshire, there is still a little time left if you wish to enter, details are in the May Newsletter. There will be a celebration at the Courtyard which will take place at the same time as the AGM at the Albert Hall and will involve all of those WI's who wish to take part. The event at the Albert Hall will be shown live on that day. The centenary celebrations will culminate in a county picnic in the summer of 2015.
I would like to thank my fellow trustees, sub-committee members and Becky and Jane at WI House for all their hard work and support.
Finally thank you to all members who continually support and work tirelessly to keep the Federation in Herefordshire going, we have such a marvellous legacy which we must ensure continues for the pleasure, education and enjoyment of future generations.
Financial Report presented by Federation Treasurer Janice Durkin
Madam Chairman, guests and fellow members.
My name is Janice Durkin and I am a member of Ballingham & District WI. I have only been a Trustee since November and it never crossed my mind that I would be speaking to you today. However, having now been County Treasurer for a couple of months, how things change.
It is regrettable that you have only just received a copy of the Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 Dec 2013. You will appreciate that Herefordshire Federation has experienced significant changes in its board and officer structure over recent months and the reason for the late notification is that our Chairman, the Trustees, our Independent Financial Examiner and I wanted to ensure that our financial situation was fully understood and agreed before being presented to you; I confirm that this is the case.
The Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements is comprised of several elements which should be viewed as a whole to give a complete and accurate picture of our Federation's financial position.
Notwithstanding, today, I will concentrate on giving a brief overview of our Income and Expenditure Account on page 6 and highlight the significant elements of the report.
As a charity, our main income is derived from subscriptions and fundraising. During 2013 our subscriptions were £13,917, an increase of almost 16% on 2012. However, general fundraising amounted to £25,709, a reduction on 2012 of nearly 20%. But, it should be noted and indeed congratulated that our fundraisers concentrated on the Three Counties Show and after expenses raised an amazing additional £8,604 bringing total net fundraising to £14,647. After our overheads and other expenses this meant that our net 'bottom line' showed a healthy surplus of £6962 which on the face of it looks very positive, particularly after a deficit of £7073 in 2012.
However, it must be understood that the net surplus is heavily dependent on two items:
i) The surplus from the Three Counties which is a triennial event; and
ii) After several years of negotiation, HMRC has finally ruled that membership subscriptions are exempt from VAT. Therefore, a claim was submitted on behalf HF and we are now in receipt of £5,962 as a one off refund of VAT. Herefordshire Federation has now de-registered for VAT.
Without these two sums of money we would again be in a significant loss situation.
It goes without saying and please let me reassure you that your Chairman, Treasurer and Trustees are working hard to maximise income and reduce costs in order to rectify this situation. I sincerely hope that whoever stands in front of you next year will be able to give a far more upbeat report.
As previously mentioned, today I have concentrated on our Income and Expenditure Account. Due to time constraints, I would respectfully ask that if anyone has any queries on the document circulated today, please do not hesitate to contact WI House by letter or email and all queries will be addressed.
As County Treasurer and based upon the fact that we have received an unqualified or 'clean' report from our Independent Financial Examiner I now propose that we adopt the Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 and would ask that they be seconded.
Thank you ladies.
Education, International and Public Affairs Sub Committee prepared by committee member Veronica Madgen
The Education, International and Public Affairs sub-Committee under the Chairmanship of Kathryn Bandfield has had a good year and enjoyed arranging events, outings and competitions that have been popular and well supported.
In June 2013 a visit to St Fagan's Museum was enjoyed by 37 members.
The Cogan Cup attracted six entries and in September a very pleasant and entertaining evening was spent listening to these ladies portraying their reading and acting skills. Later today the winners, Peterstow WI will entertain us with their winning entry.
The Poetry Competition also attracted some fine entries and the winning entry, under the heading Enchantment of Everyday Life, appeared in print on the cover of the December Newsletter.
The Willow Workshops arranged by Alison Lord have proved to be very popular and each of the chosen dates has been fully subscribed to since July last year. Due to its popularity three more days were held in April.
Once again Brenda Drake is organising a trip to Llangollen International Eisteddfod in July. Details will be found in the June newsletter. Details will also be found for the Fungus Foray to be held in October this year.
The main event of the year is always the International Evening and last year was no exception. An Irish band, Whiskey River, played and sang while we enjoyed a meal provided by the Committee and this was followed by a most entertaining and lively description of life behind the wheel by Rally Driver, Phil Collins.
In the past people have gone home praising the evening and looking forward to the next. This year will be no exception when we host the evening at Hampton Bishop Village Hall on the 27th October and 'tempt your palate' with cuisine from Southern Africa. Details will be in a Newsletter later in the year.
Digital Champion Report ACM 2014 prepared and presented by Alison Lord
Since I became our Herefordshire Digital Champion in October 2012 I have been involved with many members in activities and discussions about getting online successfully. Via a lottery award the Federation was able to purchase 4 laptops which I have been using at WI House monthly for computer training and refresher sessions to nearly 40 members. Members have also been bringing along their tablets and IPads. We have looked at emails, letter writing, Facebook, the Moodle, Google searching, Skype, sending attachments and internet shopping; also talking whether a new computer or tablet would be best depending on one's requirements. The sessions are charged at £2.50 a time to cover costs. If anyone is interested in helping me do this I would be thrilled if you could make contact with me.
Some members have also had training sessions at my home, and I have also visited one WI to do a session on the WI Moodle, and our Herefordshire web pages on the national website and our Herefordshire Federation Facebook page.
I update the Herefordshire Federation pages on the national website. I update it regularly with news from the newsletter and WI Forum, plus news that comes in between newsletter mailings. Some of this information is also copied onto our Facebook page. Your WI Forum news is put directly on our Herefordshire pages where there is plenty of space for longer accounts and pictures, whereas for the monthly newsletter your news will almost certainly be edited for space.
I have also introduced a Facebook page for the Federation. It is Go to the page, like it and you will automatically get updates from the page to your Facebook front page.
I have also had enquiries from WI's who wish to set up their own website for their WI, so if you are interested please contact me. If you are on Facebook it is very straightforward also to set up a Facebook page for your WI. I have also helped many members who contact me by email with computer queries and I am happy to continue to do this.
Please contact me if you would like to come to any computer sessions and also if you have any ideas about topics you wish to know more about and I can see if there would be a demand for a training session.
Hopefully you have seen the computer presentation about my role on my display in the Courtyard lobby, if you would like a copy to show your WI please let me know.
Thank you.
Fundraising Subcommittee Report prepared by Eileen Dilley and presented by Alison Lord
So sorry I shall not be with you today – on holiday again. Our Chairman Kathryn has told me of next year's date so I hope to be with you next year.
The past year has been very busy for a small committee. We were very pleased to welcome two new members from Much Birch WI, Lesley Lowe and Sallie Hopper.
We started the year with two holidays, the Italian Lakes and Switserland in April, ad Kent's Castles and gardens in June.
Ona a very hot day in July we walked around Orleton and enjohed a delicious tea afterwards.
Our lunch with Ann Widdecombe was a great success. The Harvest Lunch at Lyde Arundel with Adam Henson made a big event for us – he was great! Quiz for All in October was held in Wellington. All enjoyed the steak and kidney pie for supper. The ballet was Swan Lake at St Davids Hall, Cardiff. The Federation Quiz was held in March and April.
Coming up in June we look forward to a holiday in Guernsey, Sark and Herm. On 14 July we will see Warhorse at the Millennium Centre in Cardiff. Then on 17 July we visit Packwood House and Baddesley Clinton.
We plan a two night (3 day visit) to London on 3 – 5 September. We need a few more in the group to make it viable. The itinerary is in the arch newsletter. We will see the Mousetrap at the New Theatre Cardiff.
For the Quiz for All at Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall on Friday 17 October, make up teams of six. By all means include relatives and friends. Beef Hotpot for supper and a glass of wine. Vegetarian options available. Tickets £7.50.
A November walk (to be arranged) will finish with our famous soups, bread and cheese, etc.
Christmas Treats: A visit to Shrewsbury and Attingham Park. A ballet in Birmingham.
Thank you for your support, and many thanks to my subcommittee.
If you have any ideas for fundraising events please get in touch.
Eileen Dilley, Chairman. 01432 880527
Denman Report prepared and presented by Val Lewis
Good Morning everyone.
Denman has been in financial trouble in the past, but thanks to the increase of members visiting Denman, it is now in a much better position. This is due to members using the facility and the bookings are now much better. The future of Denman relies on this continuing so we mustn't become complacent and we must continue to use this fabulous facility that we have.
Recently I had a birthday and my friends at my party got together and gave me money as no one knew what to get me as a birthday present, I decided to treat myself to a course at Denman so that I would remember the birthday. I returned home from Denman last Friday after having an overnight stay and attending the beginner's class in stained glass with Anna Conti. Here is my first attempt don't look too closely. I drove to Denman through lovely roads in the sunshine the roads were lovely and quiet with not a motorway in sight, it took two and a half hours from Eardisley. On arrival at Denman I was welcomed and invited to have a tea and a piece of cake. I then went to my room which was very comfortable complete with an en suite bathroom and returned to the house at 6pm for a few pre dinner Gin And tonics and a chat with all the other ladies and a few men, brave souls that they were.
The three course meal which was very tasty and was served in the dining room this was followed by a few more drinks and a lot of chatting and laughter when we all returned to the lounge area; eventually I retired to my bed and slept soundly. The next morning, more eating with a full cooked breakfast. At 10am I met my fellow classmates that were on the course , more coffee and getting to know one another. We actually worked at the stained glass panels until 1pm when we stopped for lunch. This was a lovely buffet lunch with as much as you are able to eat. At 2 o'clock we returned to our glass panels until 4; 30 by which time we had finished them. Our tutor Anna Conti was so friendly and encouraging that I am now planning to do a glass panel for my front door or possibly a Tiffany style lampshade!!! AS my Nan always said, "The world is your Lobster", we never disillusioned her with the correct quote. There were more tea and cakes provided before I drove home. I had a fabulous time, meeting lots of new people, learning about different WI's and acquiring a new should I say Skill.
The grounds at Denman are fantastic The accommodation is cosy and everyone is very welcoming. I went on my own but I was not lonely for a minute. One bit of advice about Denman is don't park your car under the trees, my dark blue car now has white blodges on the roof from the birds, its not a good look.
I have been planning two trips to Denman for all of you.
1. November 9/10th.2014 that is this year
We will travel on a coach on Sunday 9th have a relaxing evening and the choice of courses the next day are:
1/Flower arranging with Christine Pearce.
2/Watercolours with Sue Klemencics.
3/Silk dying and painting with Mary Day.
4/ Music of the 40's and 50's with Carl Attwood.
The cost of this will probably be £165 fully inclusive.
June 22nd to 24th 2015.
After all the excitement of the celebrations for the WI centenary come to Denman and see it in its full summer regalia.
This is a three day course that will be
1/Discover Oxford with Morse and Lewis, tutor is Chris Lloyd.
2/ WI Baking break with Alison Haugh.
3/Atmospheric landscapes with Pat Gove.
There will be a fourth choice of either a sewing option or mosaics. I will look into that very soon. No price for that yet as I have to look into the coach hire and some courses have a supplement for materials. When I know I shall send the details to all of the WI's. I hope that anyone who is interested in these will contact me as soon as possible to secure your place.
The day courses at Denman are very popular. I was speaking to a group of ladies who had formed a new committee in their WI and had come to Denman to bond with one another and get to know each other better. They had an evening eating drinking and laughing followed by a talk by Emma Bridgwater which included a three course lunch and wine. I think that if more WI's did that then there would be no problem getting members to join the committees.
I hope that those members who have already been to Denman continue to do so and those of you who have not then try it, it is a fabulous facility and we must use it or lose it. You can only benefit from it, but do remember where you park your car!!!!those birds are very determined.
Campaign Report presented by Cicely Symonds
Good morning I am Cicely Symonds, campaigns representative with a report on campaign matters since the last Annual Council Meeting.
The resolution which became the mandate for 2013 was SOS for high streets and town centres. As we have all seen in our own towns and villages many shops and businesses are struggling. It is heartening to know that women are taking a leading role on the High Street. Research carried out
by the Federation of Small Businesses has revealed that almost half the small firms established in the last two years in retailor hotels,catering and leisure are femaleowned. Quite a contrast from
twenty years ago when under a quarter of businesses established had a woman at the head.
The 2009 resolution SOS for bees has brought members together to take action and achieve real change in policy with£10 million funding announced in June 2010 for research into pollinator health and the effect of pesticides on the honey bee population. Also in 2013 the Government announced a commitment to develop an action plan for bees.
In 2011 NFWI launched the Love your Libraries campaign. As we know in Herefordshire many of our libraries have been under risk and community libraries run by volunteers have been set up in various parts of the County. One of the risks is that a two tier system will evolve which will be separate from the public library system.
The Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) is very relevant after the recent horsemeat scandal. WI believes that shoppers want accurate information about where their food comes from. However a current loophole in the law means that labelling can be confusing. For instance a pork pie can be labelled as "made in the UK" even if it is made with imported meat. This is very misleading as naturally if you read "British sausages" you assume they will be made with meat from British pigs. NFWI has been campaigning for more honest labelling since 2010.
The WI has been campaigning to reduce the number of plastic bags given out in stores. These bags are energy intensive to produce, litter our streets and pollute the environment. The Government recently announced they are implementing a charge for bags in England for large retailers and supermarkets in 2015. If you would like to be involved get in touch with your MP expressing your support for the charge and for it to be implemented as soon as practicable.
Finally the resolution for this year is for an increase in organ donation. At our recent resolution meeting we heard from Michelle who is the coordinator for this area and is responsible in all for 12 hospitals in England and Wales. She explained what happens when organs are donated and how relatives actually have the final say in whether donation takes place or not. We also heard from Polly, Alison and Gill who had all either donated or received kidneys. If this resolution is passed it was stressed that it is up to us to make our wishes known to our families so that if ever they are faced with this decision they will know what we want,