Federation News Dec14/Jan15
Chairman's Letter for December/January
Dear Members,
It doesn't seem 5 minutes since I was writing last year's December letter, the year has flown by and for the Federation it has been a very successful one.
Our most recent success has been in the National Heirlooms Competition.
Two of our WI entries have been awarded category winners; Mrs June Edwards for her secretaries folio which also won the "best in show" and our second winner Joanna Helme with her presidents badge. We had some wonderful entries, so it was no no surprise that Herefordshire did so well. Congratulations June and Joanna! June is a member of Kimbolton WI and Joanna is a member of Burghill and Tillington WI.
In June, Sheila Meredith came second in the Huxley Cup at the Royal Three Counties Show with her floral arrangement and we await the outcome of the Lady Denman Cup Competition where we have three entries.
For members of the Federation the Baton Week was a lovely opportunity for us all to meet with friends in our groups, culminating in the beautiful garden party at Clive Richards home which also proved a great financial success.
We have had various successful fundraising events, trips, holidays and courses and there are many planned for next year.
All of the above shows that we have some very talented members in Herefordshire, well done!
Before I close I would like to apologise that I was unable to attend to lay the wreath on Remembrance Day, it is a great sadness to me as until last year when I was poorly I had attended every year as your Chairman, a guider, a guide, a brownie and as a member of the public wishing to remember those who have given their life for us. I know that many of you will have represented the WI at your own services.
Finally I would like to wish you and your families a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
With my love and Best Wishes
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
Leisure & Pleasure sub committee
A date for your Diary 27 March 2015. The Leisure and Pleasure Sub-Committee are arranging a Super Concert "flirting with the beginning of Spring" The evening will include, singing from our own WI Choir, some Jazz, some Country Music, Poetry, Flower Arranging, and much more…. The tickets will be £10.00 per person, this will include a glass of wine and nibbles on arrival. A raffle will be held during the evening.
For more information please contact Jean Thornton, Tel 01981 500421, email jmt.moccas@gmail.com
Education, International and Public Affairs Sub-Committee
Make your vote count; on the NFWI resolutions shortlist - return your results by January 26th
to Avril Killick., Cruck House, Eardisley, Hereford HR3 6PQ
Membership Support Committee
2015 Diary Dates
We are planning to run the following workshops
3rd & 4th March Secretaries Workshop
16th & 17th March Treasurers Workshop
30th & 31st March Presidents Workshop
Workshops are open to members who have newly taken on these roles, those who would like to find out more and might take on one of these positions in the future, or, who just like to know more about running a WI. Also for WI officers who would like to meet up with those doing the same job and would like to exchange ideas.
All training workshops will be held at WI House, some during the day some in the evening, you will find full details in the enclosure in this month's mailing, or, give me a ring to find out more.
Avril Killick Chairman Membership Support Committee, 01544 327844
Fundraising Sub-Committee
Federation Quiz - Thursday 19th March 2015
Pembridge Village Hall 7.00pm
Dinedor Village Hall 7.00pm
Ledbury Community centre 7.00pm
Teams of 4, £10.00 per team, this can be paid for by your WI, as you are representing your WI in this competition. If not it is £2.50 per person.
Thank you all for your ideas on this Quiz, I have taken all on board.This is a great competition between WI's, so please support this event. I have had letters, e-mails and phone calls to say you all enjoy the quiz.
Eileen Dilley 01432 880527
The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. December 3rd Patch work with Gill Hollingsworth, January 7th Paper and ribbon folding.
Enquires please contact:- Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328
The NFWI will host its Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall on Thursday, 4 June 2015. In celebration of the WI's centenary, the event will be streamed live via the internet in order that members can arrange their own celebrations to watch the proceedings. The online broadcast will be available on YouTube and on a dedicated centenary website
Speakers include: Lucy Worsley, English historian, curator and television presenter on history; Helena Morrissey, CEO of Newton Investment Management; and Tanni Grey-Thompson, British former wheelchair racer, parliamentarian and television presenter.
The Lord Mayor of London will also make an appearance to welcome guests to the meeting, and the winners of the Centenary Choir Competition will perform.
Please remember to send in your fantastic photographs of Herefordshire Wildlife to WI house by 28th February 2015.
Your photograph should be in landscape, digital images permitted, please do not write on the back of the photo and remember to turn the date function off!
Include your Name, WI, Address, Phone no and photo title to WI House or email to fedsec.hfwie@tiscali.co.uk
Leisure & Pleasure Sub committee
We are sending a Survey Form to all WI's in Herefordshire. The reason is to enable the L & P Sub - Committee to select Walks, Visits to places of special interest to WI members, Competitions, (Craft, Photography etc.) Concerts. We can think of many different areas which may be of interest, but we need your help in selecting how you wish to spend your time and money! So please take time in your WI Meeting to complete the form. We promise that all the information from completed forms will be included in the Survey Results. The outcome of the Survey, will highlight the area and subjects which are important to you and the level of interest shown. All this information will be collated and a report sent to each WI by the end of March 2015. So in order for this deadline to be met, we need all completed forms returned by the end of February, 2015.
Contact Details: Jean Thornton, Chairman of L & P Sub Committee, Tel 01981 500421
Email: jmt.moccas@gmail.com
Tupsley WI
Ella Levett has retired from the committee Tupsley WI after 40 years continuous service! She has decided at the grand age of 89 years to relax & come to meetings & enjoy a social time with no responsibilities.
She has been secretary, President (3x5 yr stints) & until 2 years ago our treasurer. She walks to our meetings & takes a very active interest in all things W I.
Denman Report December
Thirty members of Herefordshire federation have just returned from an overnight stay at Denman College. The courses that we attended were Silk painting, Painting with watercolors, Flower arranging and music of the 40's and 50's. We all returned with an item that we had produced such as a printed silk scarf, a flower arrangement or a painting that we did not realize that we were capable of producing.
I am hoping that those on the silk painting course will want to expand their knowledge on the longer course that I am arranging next June.
There are still plenty of places left on the Federation visit next June
Discover Oxford with Morse and Lewis Cost£270
The WI mini baking break Cost £295
Silk painting with Embroidery and Quilting Cost £255
Watercolours atmospheric landscapes Cost £255
Coach costs will be given at a later date when numbers are confirmed. A non WI member may attend (male or female) at an extra cost of £40. A £50 deposit will secure your place.
The closing date is 10th December but don't leave it until the last minute to apply.
Contact me by e mail, phone or a letter. Val Lewis e mail valjlewis1@aol.com or 01544 327700
At the beginning of November, Sheila, Joyce and I, all from Bishopswood W.I. got onto the coach that was taking us to Denman for a taster course organised by Val Lewis. When we arrived we were greeted with tea and cakes, after which we had a short welcome from one of the friendly Denman staff and were allocated our rooms. Joyce and I were delighted with the room we had been given, Surrey, which was as good as any first class hotel.
After settling in we went down to dinner, which was excellent, and what a joy to have a meal that we had not had to prepare!!
In the evening we had a very informative and amusing talk by Christine, who had brought many items from her collection of Victoriana.
In the morning after a hearty breakfast we separated to go to our various courses. Joyce took the art and Sheila took flower arranging whilst I went off to silk painting. I was a little dubious about this as I am hopeless at drawing but thanks to our tutor, Mary, even I managed something recognisable. After a break, more tea and cakes, we all returned to classes where we continued to work until lunchtime.
After another delicious lunch we returned to more tuition in our chosen subjects. In my course we learnt how to silk dye. We all produced silk scarves using various techniques, and I have been showing mine off to everyone at home.
We were all reluctant to finish our classes, but after more tea and cakes(!) it was time to climb aboard the coach for our homeward journey.
If you have never been to Denman do consider it, you will have a wonderful time, and we cannot wait to return.
Cicely Symonds, Bishopswood WI.
Digital Champion News
Computer Training – Please contact me if you have anything you would like to practise at a computer workshop and I will arrange a date to suit. The Board of Trustees have decided that the charges for a computer workshop should now be £4 a session, which is in line with all other events held in WI House. Unfortunately I will not be able to run any workshops if there are less than three participants over one day as it is not cost effective.
A reminder to MCS representatives that your log in to MCS is now your email address, so if you can't get in, please contact Jane in the office and she will put your email on your WI page.
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com
Tel 01544 340256