Federation News June 14
16 June 2014
Many congratulations to Sheila Meredith of Moccas and District WI. Her entry for the Huxley Cup, the National WI flower arranging competition, held this year at the Three Counties Show, has won 2nd prize! Well done indeed!
Chairman's Letter for June 2014
As I write this the weather is forecast to be good enough for BBQ's for the next few days which I am looking forward to, it makes us all feel so much better and hopefully it will continue for those of you who have garden parties and strawberry teas.
I have been fortunate to have been invited to some of these WI's events and am really looking forward to them.
The past month has been very busy preparing for the ACM at the Courtyard but Becky and Jane have done a very good job preparing for it. The trustees have decided not to appoint to the Federation Secretary's post as we want to take time to ensure that we have the right staffing in place when we do appoint. Currently Becky is working a small number of hours supporting the trustees who are working on a rota basis to cover the work of the federation. Sadly Eileen Powell the book-keeper also left and we thank her for her contribution to the Federations work.
I have had a relatively quiet month with regard to visits but I did go to Felton and Preston Wynne WI for their evening on Cooking Competitions and Judging. Everyone was invited to take a cake and Christine Fletcher used them to show how cakes should be presented and how they are judged in competitions. It was an excellent evening and Christine was able to give us lots of useful tips. Supper included tasting the cakes, delicious.
I also joined Mathon WI for their 90th birthday dinner; it was a lovely evening, good company and delicious food. We shared a slice of a beautiful cake which one of the members had made and iced.
Mathon 90th birthday party
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
To see Kathryn's report of her visit to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party with other Federation Chairmen see further down page.
Please Note :
Closing date for the Newsletter will be the second Thursday of the month (at the latest).
However it would be helpful if any articles could be sent as early as possible. Thank You
WI Afternoon Tea at Lower Hope Gardens - Centenary Baton Celebrations
Lower Hope Gardens
On September 7 2014 as part of the celebrations for the Centenary Baton the WI is having afternoon tea at Lower Hope Gardens. This is an event for all WI members and you can either come and bring your friends (they don't have to be members or female!) or you can help us make and serve tea or man a stall, or both!
There will be stalls selling cakes, plants and preserves and there will be a raffle and tombola stall. There will also be a band playing music. In addition lots of members wish to dress in clothes of the period and although it would be wonderful if as many as possible did, this is optional.
Mr and Mrs Richards have kindly offered to donate all proceeds to the WI including entrance fees.
The garden is very beautiful and we are privileged to have been offered it to raise funds, it is only open a few times each year. We are hoping that neighbouring federations and members of the public will join us. There is a website where you can find the detail of the garden – google Lower Hope Farms and go to gardens
Could you please when you are making your preserves make a pot or two extra and when gardening, pot up any spare plants or grow some for us to sell on the stalls.
Final arrangements for this and for events throughout the week will be made at the Baton meeting on 10 June at Hampton Bishop Village Hall at 2.30pm – all welcome.
This replaces the proposed picnic at Hampton Court which we have decided to hold next year for the centenary.
More information in the next Newsletter.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878,
Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
THANK YOU TO: BALLINGHAM for their donation of £25.00
All donations gratefully received towards Federation funds.
County Treasurer Vacancy
Following the elections that took place after the ACM at the Courtyard, we have appointed an Assistant County Treasurer, however we require a County Treasurer. This is not an onerous or time consuming post; you would be required to provide information to the Board of trustees and you will be working closely with the book-keeper.
Please contact:
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878
Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
Book-Keeper Vacancy
Following the resignation of Eileen Powell we require a book-keeper to work in the region of eight hours a month. The successful applicant will use the latest SAGE package and needs to be computer literate. This could be a paid post or voluntary.
please contact:
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878,
Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
Shobdon Food Festival Bake Off
My name is Hazel Hinson and I am with Shobdon WI, I am helping to organise the Shobdon Food Festival 28th & 29th June. We would like to invite WI members to a bake off. The recipe for a Bara Brith is available from myself, hazelhinson@gmail.com. All entries to be delivered to Shobdon airfield on the 28th by 9.30 am, it is going to be judged by Brendon Lynch who came 2nd in the 2012 Great British Bake off and first prize is £50.00. Await to hear from you.
Handicrafts club
The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. Next meetings, 7th May—Craft Day; 4th June AGM with show and tell.
Apply to:-Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328
Keep these dates free to visit Denman with us
9/10th November 2014. A one night stay at Denman with a selection of courses available on the Monday. This is a chance to have a sociable evening with fellow members and enjoy a course at Denman without having to rush and do it all in one day. Price includes accommodation, all meals and coach fare £165.
22/24th June 2015 Herefordshire Federation at Denman Details of this at a later date when confirmation has been given by Denman.
Day Visits to Denman.
Friday 18th July 2014. Food and Flowers with Jo Pratt and Anna Stevens.
You will be treated to a morning demonstration on the theme of Jo Pratts"Madhouse Cookbook" featuring home cooked food that is tasty and stress free. This is followed by a lovely lunch and a flower demonstration in the afternoon. Cost is £45.
Thursday 31st July Grey's Court and Lady Brunner event
Lady Brunner was a member of Grey's WI and rose quickly via the Oxfordshire Federation Chairmanship to become the third National Chairman of the NFWI from 1954 to 1956. She proposed the resolution that lead to the formation of Denman and was deeply involved in the purchase and subsequent development of the college. Cost £45.
Book these day visits directly with Denman Tel 01865 391991
For details please contact:
Val Lewis, Denman Ambassador. Tel: 01544 327700 Email: valjlewis1@aol.com
On a lovely morning at the beginning of May four members from Bishopswood W.I. set off for Denman. On arrival we were greeted with coffee and delicious Danish pastries - we were greedy and had two!! We then went into the lecture hall where we were enthralled by Lady Fiona Carnarvon the eighth Countess of Carnarvon who spoke about her home Highclere Castle, which of course is the setting for Downton Abbey. She spoke about her books which describe the lives of two of her predecessors Lady Almina and Lady Catherine and what life Is like at the real Downton Abbey. We ended the day with a delicious three course lunch with wine and left for home vowing to return again in the near future.
Cicely Symonds, Federation Vice Chairman.
Digital Champion news for June 2014
Members attended morning and afternoon sessions at WI house at the beginning of April and more members came to an additional session at my home at the end of the month.
I have been asked if I will run a session on Facebook, so if there is anyone else interested who has not already contacted me, please do via email below.
If you are interested in setting up a web page for your WI which could appear under your entry on the main WI website under 'Find a WI' please contact me as well.
Can I ask all WI's to check your WI on the 'Find a WI' section of the main WI website (address is on the front page of the newsletter) and see if your meeting venue has a postcode listed. If it has not, then your WI will not appear on the website map. If this applies to you, please send me the postcode of your meeting venue and I will add it to the website, and hence to the map!
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com 01544 340256
News : Felton and Preston Wynn now wish to be known as Preston Wynn WI.
Each year 8 Federation Chairman are given the opportunity to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, places are allocated using a ballot and I was fortunate to be chosen this year. A beautiful invitation arrived from The Lord Chamberlain for the 21st May.
The eight chairmen had arranged to meet with the photographer and journalist from WI Life at the Fountain outside the gates. As we did we were surrounded by young Indian and Chinese people wanting to have their photographs taken with us, we think they thought we were royalty.
We queued to enter by the front gate and doors and passed through some of the rooms in Buckingham Palace to get into the gardens. The garden opened out onto formal lawns surrounded by marquees and bandstands. The bands playing were the Queen's Band and the Navy Band, the former played classic pieces and the Navy played Jazz and Swing.
There were some beautiful outfits and hats and many of the men either wore uniform or morning dress. The WI did not disgrace itself and all of us had made an effort with dresses, jackets and hats or fascinators.
We began by finding chairs and left some having a rest whilst the others walked around the garden; there were rose gardens, herbaceous borders, a lake and wild parts to the garden.
We returned to the lawns where there were three marquees serving afternoon tea, one for us, one for the royals and one for the diplomats.
We decided to await the Queen's arrival before taking tea and stood as directed by equerries and yeomen of the guard. There was an air of excitement as we waited for the Queen and some of those being presented looked very nervous. Several groups of people waited to be presented to the Queen and these were the only people that she spoke to. The Queen's lady in waiting carried two umbrellas, one was a transparent mauve to match the Queen's outfit and there was some discussion as to whether it was from Morrison's as it was very similar to one of ours! Fortunately we didn't need umbrellas.
The Queen's band played the National Anthem as she arrived and she walked down, stopping to talk to those being presented. One group was immediately in front of us so she was only about 5ft away. She wore a lilac hat and coat and we were surprised at how long she spent talking to each person. She is tiny and quietly spoken.
She then went in for tea and so did we. We ate finger sandwiches of cucumber and fresh mint (delicious) ham with mustard and egg. There were tiny cakes, coffee éclairs, chocolate, Battenberg, victoria sandwich and scones, all delicious and a cup of tea, iced coffee or apple juice. The tea wasn't as warm as we would have liked but they were catering for 8,000!
Several people asked who we were as it was obvious we were a group of women together; we advertised the WI very well. The Herefordshire brooch did a good job (as usual) of telling people that we were WI – it is the one that has been used as the basis for the design for the centenary brooch.
We then sat down and we were given ice cream, by this time it was becoming quite cool so we went to see the Queen depart. As soon as she did all the quests began leaving too. At the gates we separated.
It had been a super day, it was an honour to represent the WI and one we won't forget and as usual, it was an opportunity to meet with other Federation chairmen and it felt as if we had known each for ever.
Kathryn Bandfield
June Choir News
The choir rehearsals have been spasmodic as there has been a number of holidays ie Easter and two Bank Holidays which, unfortunately, always fall on a Monday. Despite the problems the rehearsals have been reasonably well attended, given that the holiday season is now upon us.
The Choir attended a workshop and concert at the Leominster Priory, on Saturday 7 June 2014, which members funded themselves. The evening concert was well attended and the HFWI Choir performed at the final concert of the evening. Their performance was well received by the audience, and the workshop facilitators. The choir was not at full strength so it is very encouraging that their performance should receive such praise.
We are next performing on the 9 September at the Baton Handover Ceremony which is taking place at Ledbury and look forward to performing for the HFWI on this special occasion. The choir is now available for special performances, which can be arranged through the Choir Co-ordinator.
The choir will finish rehearsals for the summer break at the beginning of July, with rehearsals commencing at the beginning of September 2014. Members are meeting for an evening meal in July to complete the end of the summer term.
Jean Thornton Choir Co-ordinator.