Federation News Nov 14
Chairman's Letter for November
Dear Members,
Congratulations to our choir, Grace Notes, who took part in the heats of the national competition, although they didn't get through we should thank them for representing us at national level. Well done.
After our lovely summer, autumn has now set in and thoughts are turning to the Christmas concert amongst other things. Details of the concert are given below as is information about a charity clay shoot, proceeds of which will be donated to the WI.
Although we had a very successful week with the baton some of our other events have had to be cancelled due to lack of support which is why it is necessary to find other ways of fundraising such as the clay shoot. The sadness is that the events aren't just about fundraising but also offer members an opportunity to meet and enjoy each other's company so please do try to continue to support us.
Can I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has sent cards, flowers, good wishes and letters to me. As many of you are aware I have a very difficult few months ahead and I will need all my strength and fortitude however during those times I know that I have your support which will help me so much, thank you.
Kathryn Bandfield. Federation Chairman, email: Kathrynbandfield@gmail.com.
As you are aware we are always in need of fundraising events and we have been offered all of the proceeds of a clay shooting day organised by Saxty's, Hereford, which will take place in Spring 2015. This is an annual event and the proceeds are donated to local charities so we are very fortunate that this year they have chosen us as their charity. This event usually raised a significant amount of money.
They do not require us to do anything but they do need prizes for the raffle and auction. One suggestion from the trustees was that each group of WI's be asked to make up a different type of hamper – one school recently did something similar and a gardening hamper was made up including a wheelbarrow donated by a local garden centre!
Other prizes could include cooking dinner for 6 people in their home (they would provide the food) making a pair of curtains, a days shooting, a stay in a holiday home, a celebration cake, a personalised handicraft or anything that you think would encourage people to bid in the auction or buy raffle tickets to raise money.
If you have any ideas or offers please contact me Kathrynbandfield@gmail.com or email or Becky, the Federation Secretary at WI House on fedsec.hfwie@tiscali.co.uk
Education, International and Public Affairs Sub-Committee
Unfortunately due to lack of support the International Evening had to be cancelled. In previous years we have sold all the tickets available, but up take this year was poor. The committee apologises to those members who wished to attend and we hope that support for next years International Evening will enable us to hold the event.
All monies will be returned via your WI's.
Fundraising Sub-Committee - Quiz for all
Thank you for your support. The quiz was nearly cancelled due to lack of support, Thanks to Marden and The Suttons WI's for helping to serve the food as the Fundraising Committee was down to four hard working members. We had a great evening. Eileen Dilley.
Fundraising Sub-Committee - November 2014
Plans and Ideas for 2015.
Two holidays
The Isle of Man - Now booked for 14th – 18th June 2015, which avoids the TT races.
The Harz mountains, including two exciting railways now booked for 26th April – 2nd May 2015.
Other suggested events include:
Ballet in Birmingham in February.
WI Quiz March/April. (Thanks for suggestions as to type of questions).
I hope you have booked your Christmas Treat at Waddesdon Manor on Saturday 6th December.
Thank you for your attendance at "The Mousetrap" in Cardiff. We had a great day.
out for holiday details and enclosures in next month's newsletter.
Further details will be advised on future events when details have been
Leisure & Pleasure sub committee
HFWI CHRISTMAS CONCERT. 2014 will be held at Holy Trinity Church Hereford on Monday 8 December, commencing at 7pm.
The Christmas Concert 2013 was a great success so 2014 will follow a similar format, with Poetry Readings, Bible Readings, Performances by Local People i.e. Bell Ringing, (back by popular request). We will also feature the young musical talent of Herefordshire and of course our own WI Choir "Grace Notes"
The concert will finish around 8.30pm with Mulled Wine and Mince Pies served at the rear of the Church. The cost of a ticket remains the same, £4.00 per person (sorry no concessions). The booking form has already been sent in October to your WI, so please come along and enjoy the evening with your fellow WI members If you have any queries, please contact me.
Contact Details: Jean Thornton, Chairman of L & P Sub Committee, Tel 01981 500421
GRACE NOTES, HFWI CHOIR, performed at the "Singing For Joy" Competition on 11 October at the Severn Theatre in Shrewsbury. The choir performed well and sang their three pieces with conviction and expression, that was a joy to see from a choir which was only formed in May 2014. Some members of the choir had not previously sung in a choir, let alone on the large stage of a beautiful professional theatre. The members of the choir did not let Herefordshire down either, with their singing, their dress and the confident way they performed and represented HFWI.
Well Done Ladies. I am so proud of you all. It is a joy to sing alongside you and to know you.
For more information re the choir contact :
Jean Thornton, tel. 01981500421. email: jmt.moccas@gmail.com
The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. November 6th Trapunto with Wendy Rulton, December 3rd Patch work with Gill Hollingsworth. Enquires please contact:-
Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328
As part of the WI Centenary celebrations in 2015 NFWI are looking for 100 Inspiring Women stories to share on the WI website.
This could be about your favourite or most inspiring WI memory - for example what inspired you to join, what you might not otherwise have done if you had not joined. You could say what you love most about WI and what you think you have gained from your membership. What is the most surprising thing that has happened to you since joining WI. Perhaps you would like to give advice to the WI members who join in 100 years!
If you feel you have something to say please type your story and email it to communications@nfwi.org.uk.
All entries have to be in by 5th December and should not be more than 500 words. It would be lovely to see Herefordshire represented and surely we have plenty of tales we could share with WI's all over the country.
Cicely Symonds, Vice Chairman.
Telephone Number at WI House
It has been decided to amalgamate the two telephone lines currently being used at WI House. The main reception telephone number of 01432 272268 will continue, however the direct line to the Federation Secretary will cease operation shortly. Please use the reception line from now on.
WI Office update
We are pleased to announce that Becky Bissell has been appointed as Federation Secretary. Becky will be available at WI house on Tuesdays between 9.30am—2.30pm. Congratulations Becky, we are pleased to have you as part of the team.
Tomorrows Heirlooms Competition.
We were delighted to receive these super entries and the category winners have now been sent on to National for judging. The standard of entries was outstanding, so Good Luck to all four members in the competition.
Mrs Joanna Helme from Burghill and Tillington WI with her entry for a Presidents Badge.
Mrs Anne Clewer from Kimbolton WI with her entry of secretary's folio.
Mrs Jackie Cleveland from Eaton Bishop WI with their portable identity entry on the left and finally Mrs Val Perlman from Three Elms WI with her tablecloth entry.
All fabulous. Well done!
Denman Report November
I have just returned from a lovely day at Denman where friends and I attended a literary lunch
with Julie Summers who wrote "Jambusters" a book about the role of the WI in WWII. These days are very enjoyable and well worth a visit.
The Herefordshire Federation visit to Denman on 22/24th June 2015 is filling up, please do not leave it to the last minute as you may not be able to secure the course of your choice, the courses are:
A) The WI mini baking break with Alison Haigh cost £295.
B) Discover Oxford with Morse and Lewis with Chris Lloyd, cost £270
C) Silk painting with Embroidery and Quilting with Mary Day cost £255
D) Watercolours atmospheric landscapes with Pat Gove cost £255
Closing date is now Tuesday 10th December. A £50 deposit secures your place, please do not delay.
For more details or an application form e mail me or telephone me
Val Lewis e-mail valjlewis1@aol.com or phone 01544 327700
Digital Champion News November
Computer Training – Please contact me if you have anything you would like to practise at a computer workshop and I will arrange a date to suit. Also if you have any ideas about a course.
A reminder to MCS representatives that your log in to MCS is now your email address, so if you can't get in, please contact Jane, who is the MCS co-ordinator, in the office and she will put your email on your WI page.
Don't forget to check the WI map on the website please as you should now all be able to find your WI's on there! www.thewi.org.uk
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com Tel 01544 340256
THANK YOU TO: EATON BISHOP for their donation of £31.00
All donations gratefully received towards Federation funds.