Federation News Sep 14
Chairman's Letter for September 2014
Dear members,
I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer it seems to have gone so quickly; I have spent mine taking my grandsons to cricket all over the County.
Firstly I would like to send my congratulations to Sheila Meredith who came second in the Huxley Cup with this beautiful arrangement. It is a national competition run by NFWI but this year it took place at the Royal Three Counties Show and I know lots of members saw it. It was a beautiful arrangement – Well Done Sheila!
Also three entries for the Lady Denman Cup from Herefordshire have gone through to the final; there were some excellent entries so fingers crossed that they will do well.
Finally we only had one entry for the Centenary Baton Cushion but it was beautifully crafted and the thought behind the design was excellent, incorporating fabric with flying geese to represent the Baton's journey. The Eileen Dilley Bowl will be presented to Wendy Greensmith and the cushion will be used for transporting the Baton throughout Herefordshire.
On the 3 August I was invited by Lady Darnley to attend a service at the cathedral to commemorate the First World War and I know that many of you also went. It was an excellent service, thought provoking and appropriate that we should remember the sacrifices that were made for future generations. On the 4 August many of us took part in the lights out commemoration, I lit a candle for the hour from 10 until 11 and listened to a reading of War Horse on the radio, an hour of reflection remembering wars that have passed and those that are happening now.
Since the last Newsletter I have attended several WI functions, an 85th Birthday Celebration with Whitney and Winforton, the tea was delicious and their display of scrapbooks was wonderful, I spent a long time looking through them, they were fascinating. I also went to a very well attended Marches Group Evening Meeting, the speaker was Mr Cameron Addicott, and another lovely tea with lots of cake! The next delicious afternoon tea was with Three Elms who are 25 years old; we were all presented with a beautifully crafted bag filled with soap made by a member who is just beginning to sell her items to Fortnum and Masons – don't we have some talented members, it is marvellous.
Centenary AGM 2015 Albert Hall
As you know, we asked if all WI's would like to join together for the Centenary AGM next year, the response was overwhelmingly in favour, therefore we intend to go ahead. The event will take place at the Courtyard or somewhere similar and we will show the AGM at The Albert Hall as it happens. It is possible that our event could be shown at the Albert Hall as it happens!
More details will be given in early 2015 but keep 4th June 2015 free, so that we can join together to celebrate.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878,
Email: Kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
Federation Secretary Vacancy
HFWI requires a Federation Secretary. The contract will be for 12 months, working 10 hours per week at £8.50 per hour (hours by agreement). Applicants must be IT literate which must be current (email & internet, word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing). The post will be available immediately.
You will be working under the Federation Chairman , supporting the Board of Trustees and working in tandem with the Office Administrator. Excellent telephone manner and team worker essential. Knowledge of the WI useful.
Closing date for applications: 30 September 2014
For full details of the position please contact Veronica Madgen. email: lusulu6875@btinternet.com
Information Technology and Photographs on Facebook and the Website
As you are aware Alison Lord as Digital Champion has been working hard to bring us into the 21st Century by encouraging us all to use IT, however the Trustees have agreed that no-one will be disadvantaged if they are unable to use or access computers, Facebook, emails etc. Everything will be available by hardcopy or sent by post.
Some of you are aware that we have been using the website and Facebook to publicise events including photographs. This is super for us because it encourages people to join and enables us to see what other WI's are doing. However these photographs are publicly available to anyone accessing these sites. You should be aware that if you do not want photographs of you (or your home) on these sites you need to tell the person taking them at your events and they can ensure that any sent to Alison for posting on these sites do not include any photographs of you.
If you have any concerns in this regard you should contact the Federation Chairman
Lady Denman Cup Competition
Once again this year the standard of entries was very high and it made the final decision very difficult. However after much deliberation the three poems chosen to go to N.F.W.I. for judging at National level were those of Mrs Margaret Coulson, Ledbury W.I., Mrs Kathleen Smith of Much Cowarne W.I. and Mrs Mary Wall of Llangrove W.I.
Congratulations to the winners and we wish them well.
Cicely Symonds
A Reminder to all new (& some not so new WI Treasurers)
If your WI has its Annual Meeting in November, as most in our Federation do, you will need to allow yourself a month or so to collect all the information needed for the Financial Statement. It's a good idea to close your books at the end of September and at the same time to ask your bank for a statement showing transactions up to that date. Banks are sometimes slow at providing such a statement! Money going into & out of your account during October should be entered into your accounts as the first transactions of the new financial year.
Margaret Crouch (01886-880013)
Education, International and Public Affairs Sub-Committee
INTERNATIONAL EVENING: MONDAY 27 OCTOBER – Hampton Bishop Village Hall, 7 for 7.30pm
This year the International Evening celebrates Southern Africa. The speaker is Lis Dobb-Sandi and the title of her talk is "Zimbabwe and England - Life here and there."
Wine and soft drinks will be available at an additional cost. There will also be a competition which will be 'A small flower arrangement in the colours of a flag from any country in Southern Africa'. The raffle will be run by Tupsley WI. Places are available at £10 each to include the meal and there are a limited number. No paper tickets will be issued. Unless you are contacted after the closing date please assume that you have a place at the evening. The closing date for applications is 13 October 2014.
Application Form is with this mailing. Please note applications are to be sent to WI HOUSE.
Alison Lord
Fundraising sub-Committee - Quiz
Quiz for all on Friday 17th October 2014 at Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall, starting at 7 pm. TICKETS £7.50.
This will include a beef hot pot supper with a glass of wine or soft drink all in celebration of Herefordshire food. Please let us know if you are a vegetarian.
We do mean "Quiz for ALL", so please make up a team of six friends/family.
You will all be very welcome. Closing date 10th October,
Don't forget our visit to Cardiff. Wednesday 1st October. We have just enough people for "The Mousetrap" but we have room on the coach for a visit to Cardiff without going to the theatre. Cardiff has a lot to offer – the National Museum with its wonderful art gallery. beautiful porcelain – and free entry. There is also Cardiff Castle, with its unique display of the work of William Burges for the Marquis of Bute and Cardiff Bay with many shops, and perhaps a special lunch?
Coach leaves Golden Pioneer depot at Red Hill at 9 am/ Return 5 pm
Contact Eileen Dilley, Chairman Fundraising sub-Committee. 01432 880 527.
Choir - Singing for Joy Competition
The First Heats for the above competition are taking place at present. HFWI Choir will be competing in the heat to be held in Theatre Severn Shrewsbury on 11 October 2014. There are 13 Choirs competing in this heat with HFWI competing third at 10.45am.
The doors will open at 9.30am Lunch will be served between 12.05pm – 1.05pm with the afternoon session starting at 1.10pm. Adjudication will be at 3.10pm with the winner announced at 3.30pm
Tickets for the Competition will cost £10 with no concessions, and can be obtained from the Theatre Severn Box office on 01743.281281 which is open from 11am – 7pm. A charge of £1.50 is made for credit card payments. The web page address is: www.theatresevern.co.uk/your-visit/bookinginfo. Only food purchased at the restaurant can be consumed on site. The Frankwell Car Park is next to the Theatre, charges for Sat 8am – 6pm is £4.00 for 10 hours.
Obviously, it would be lovely to see members of HFWI in the audience, but we do understand that transport cost plus ticket prices may be too much for members. However, we hope you will be thinking about us on the day and sending your good wishes for our performance. We can use a name for the competition entry and the ladies of the choir have decided that "Grace Notes" would be an appropriate name for the HFWI Choir. We hope you agree.
If you need require more information please contact me details below.
Jean Thornton, Choir Co-ordinator, Tel 01981 500 421. email jmt.moccas@gmail.com
Membership Support
Please come along and join us to listen to eight speakers for inclusion in next year's handbook, on Wednesday 1st October at St John's Methodist Hall, St Owens Street. Enclosure included in July/August County News. Complete applications by 17th September and return to me please.
Avril Killick. The Cruck House, Eardisley, Hereford. HR3 6PQ.
ACWW Pennies for Friendship.
I know many of Herefordshire WIs are really good at collecting their "Pennies" but I wonder if I could make an additional appeal. In 2016, as I hope you know, the next ACWW World Conference will be held at Warwick University. This is the first time it has been held in the UK since 1939 and we would dearly love to have a more representative spread of delegates. We all know how expensive everything is these days, consequently being able to attend is beyond the means of many delegates. Please could you make an extra effort either for PFF or for a travel fund to help bring some ladies here who wouldn't get the chance otherwise? I have started a travel fund of my own to try and see if I can fund one delegate or at least partly do so. It would be lovely to be able to meet a delegate who we have funded.
Brenda Drake.
Denman Report
The Eye Of The Needle— 24th September 2014
An introduction to the Ashmolean latest exhibition including a visit to the exhibition, with Mathew Winterbottom. He is the curator of 19th century decorative art, he will give you an insight into the 17th century embroideries. Cost is £65 for members and £70 for non-members.
An exhibition of Nepalese cookery with Pemba Lama— 30th September 2014
Cost is £35 for members and £40 for non-members.
For more details of the above courses and to book contact Denman college.
Herefordshire Federation visit Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th June 2015.
Choice of Courses:
A. The WI Baking Mini Break; with Alison Haigh Cost £295
B. Discover Oxford with Morse and Lewis; with Chris Lloyd. Cost £270
C. Silk Painting with Embroidery and Quilting; With Mary Day. Cost £255
D. Watercolours Atmospheric Landscapes; With Pat Gove cost £255.
There will be an extra charge for the cost of the coach but that is not available at the moment.
Full details of all of the courses are available from me on application or you can visit the federation web site. To book your place please let me know which course that you wish to attend and send me a deposit of £50 made out to HFWI.
Closing date is Monday 10th November 2014
A second batch of bursaries are available by applying in writing before 28th November 2014. For more information contact WI House or Val Lewis. Details are available on this website.
Contact Val Lewis, Chesterwood, Eardisley, Hereford. HR3 6NS Tel: 01544 327700
We have been asked to celebrate Rural Women's Day on October 15th, Huntington (HFD) are having a party at Marjorie Stockley's flat, 25 Guardian Court, East Street, Hereford. 3-5pm. Perhaps other WI's might like to do something similar to raise funds for ACWW work. It doesn't have to be big or elaborate, but if every WI raised £10 whilst enjoying tea, cake and company we could help make a difference. "On our own we can't change the world, but we could change the world for one woman and therefore a family" Wouldn't that be marvellous!
Contact Benda Drake for more information.
Digital Champion News
Computer Training – The next training will be during the week beginning 29 September; please contact me if you are interested.
Facebook: By the time you read this I should have held a course at WI house entitled 'What is Facebook?' This is an introduction to Facebook for those who are thinking of signing up as well as those who have signed up but are not very experienced with it. Subject to demand I can run it again, or even at your WI if you have wi-fi.
I have also produced a Powerpoint Presentation about the Herefordshire Federation and its activities, which could be used whenever you have an open event. It will play repeatedly on a computer. Contact me if you would like a copy.
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com Tel: 01544 340256
It is now time to start thinking about resolutions for the 2015 A.G.M. Has your W.I. a subject that your members feel passionately about. If so why not enter a resolution about it. Some years ago Longtown W.I. were successful and presented its resolution at the National A.G.M.
Why not have a go and put H.F.W.I. on the map - remember that 2015 is centenary year and the A.G.M. will be in London at the Albert Hall which is always an inspirational venue.
If you do feel that you would like to submit a resolution and want further details please contact W.I. House.
Cicely Symonds - Campaigns Representative