Federation News February 2014
Chairman's Letter for February 2014
It seems a long time since I wrote my last piece for the Newsletter, Christmas and New Year have come and gone and we are in a new year and for the WI it will be a busy one. Before I move on to 2014 I want to tell you about two super visits I had at Christmas, I was invited to Tupsley's lunch and it was an excellent affair which started with punch and a delicious lunch. We then had entertainment which included poetry readings and a pantomime, we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I also attended Aston Ingham's Christmas lunch followed by entertainment and business; again it was excellent and enjoyable. I bought a delicious jar of lemon curd from their sales table and I was given a bowl of hyacinths which came out on Christmas Day!
The 2015 celebrations have already begun nationally. We have the baton in Herefordshire 2 to 9 September, we will receive it from Gwent and it will be passed to Worcestershire. There will be a meeting in March for representatives from all WI's to discuss arrangements so please come or pass on your ideas, think big! There are some super photographs on the national website of federations where the baton has already passed through.
In June the Huxley Cup will take place at the Royal Three Counties Showground. The overall theme for the hosting marquee is 'Inspiring Women' and the title for the Huxley Cup is 'Inspiration' Competitors are invited to enter a pedestal exhibit of plant material and may interpret the title as they wish. Should you wish to enter, the closing date is 21 March and an application form and schedule can be obtained from WI House or it is available on the national website on the Herefordshire pages.
If you haven't looked at the website please do, Alison keeps it full of local news and if you do not use IT I am sure you will have a daughter, son or grandchild that does! Log on to the Women's Institute Website and then look at the Herefordshire Federation pages.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
I have found it a privilege to have been asked to write a tribute to Margaret Joan Byford, who sadly passed away on the 16th December 2013 in Hereford County Hospital. My own personal recollection of Margaret was when I worked in the accounts and wages department of Berrow's Newspapers in Bath Street, and my windows overlooked Byford's Garage, which was owned by Margaret's late husband. If I had a query over petrol with one of the company's vans, I would contact Mrs Byford.
When Checkley WI was in existence, Margaret had been President; sadly it closed a number of years ago. Many years ago, Margaret had served on the Music & Drama Sub Committee. In 1993 Margaret joined and became a valued member of Holmer WI and latterly a member of Wellington WI as well. At Holmer, Margaret had served as President and Treasurer. In 2004 Margaret was nominated to the HFWI Executive Committee, now known as the Board of Trustees. Soon after joining the Committee she became the Federation Treasurer for which she held the office for many years and was very efficient. It took a lot to upset Margaret but if someone did she would say "I am a Christian, I can forgive but I cannot forget". Lynda, Eileen and Jane are already missing her going into WI House and hearing her say "it is I". Now that I am your Federation Treasurer I have a very hard act to follow.
Besides WI, Margaret was a well respected member of Hereford Commercial Road Baptist Church and supported their different clubs. The Wellington community will miss her because she took part in village events and went early each morning to collect her newspaper from the shop. Margaret's hobbies were her garden, playing her piano, crosswords and sudokus but above all she adored her faithful companion Tigger, her cat.
Our sincere condolences go to Margaret's family who had a lovely caring and genteel mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Margaret you are going to be missed by so many people in all walks of life. May you rest in peace and rise in glory. God Bless.
June Stephens, Federation Treasurer, Tel: 01432 344604
As you are aware Margaret passed away at Christmas and many of us attended her funeral, it was a beautiful service and the minister obviously knew her well. It was wonderful to see so many WI members there and fitting for Margaret that we sang Jerusalem.
Some members and WI's have expressed a wish to give a donation and I agreed to arrange a collection, If you would like to send something in memory of Margaret please send cheques made payable to The Royal British Legion to WI House marked for my attention by 31 March and I will ensure that it is forwarded to The Royal British Legion on your behalf.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
The Christmas Concert for 2013 was held a Holy Trinity Church on 2 December and was well attended with around 100 +WI members' family and friends attending. The audience were entertained by a feast of Music , Poetry and Readings. All the performers gave their services Free of Charge with the poetry and readings being performed by members of Herefordshire WI. The success of the concert was due to a number of people who gave of their time and talents to ensure that everyone who attended had a wonderful time and a great experience of the Christmas to come.
As Chairman of the L & P Committee I would like to thank my fellow committee members, the WI "readers" the staff of WI house and the Three Elms WI, for organising the refreshment of Mulled Wine and Mince Pies, truly delicious. It would be very remiss of me not to give a special mention to our newly formed WI Choir giving their first performance at the concert. To quote our Chairman "the Choir looked beautiful and they sounded wonderful." Thanks should also be given to the Vicar Preb Brian Chave and all the helpers from Holy Trinity Church, including the Organist Mr Ken Hurstborne.
We are looking for some new members for the L & P Committee, if you would like to know more please contact me, and I will be happy to answer your questions also, we can arrange for you to attend one of our meetings, if you wish.
For more information contact:
Jean Thornton, Chairman L & P Committee and Choir
Co-ordinator. Tel 01981 500 421: email jmt.moccas@gmail.com
The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. Next meetings, 5 February 2014 "Working With Glass" Sue Price.
If you wish to contact trustees, please be aware that their correspondence will go into their monthly mailing envelope, so it may not be received very promptly.
If you wish to contact trustees more urgently, please email them or send correspondence to their home addresses as below:
Kathryn Bandfield: Forge House, Burley Gate, Hereford HR1 3QS
Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
Cicely Symonds:4 Chaseside, Ross on Wye,HR9 5NP
Email: Cissymonds@gmail.com
June Stevens: Evergreen, Broomy Hill, Hereford HR4 0LJ
Alison Lord: Rose Cottage, Upper Marston, Lyonshall, Kington HR5 3JD
Email: alisonrlord@btinternet.com
Val Lewis: Dash Sports Cars, Chesterwood, Eardisley, Hereford HR3 6NS
Email: valjlewis1@aol.com
Janice Durkin: Church Cottage, Hoarwithy, Hereford HR2 6QQ
Email: janice.durkin@btinternet.com
Alison Lord, Trustee. Tel: 01544 340256 alisonrlord@btinternet.com
If anyone had asked me 5 years ago before I joined the Federation as Federation Secretary what the work of the Federation staff entailed, I could never have imagined just how diverse and busy it is and I think it is important that you, as members, have an insight into our work. It is difficult to summarise but in a' nutshell'……….
The Federation staff consists of three. Jane Jenkins who is Office Assistant and works two days a week, Eileen Powell, bookkeeper, works 2 half days a week and myself, Lynda Griffiths, Federation Secretary. I work three days a week, and the last Friday morning of the month to oversee newsletter/end of month mailing packing and posting.
Under the guidance of the Trustees we provide the necessary administrative support and advice to the Board of Trustees, Committees and WI members to help ensure that the day to day management of the Federation runs efficiently and smoothly.
We prepare and manage the distribution of the monthly newsletter, a very important and significant part of our work particularly for me as Editor.
We prepare and assist with the management of other publications i.e calendars, bulb orders, diaries
We ensure that all correspondence is sent out to WIs, including monthly mailing, stationery, orders etc.
We deal with enquiries acting as a central information centre, internal and external, ensuring that they are directed to the appropriate person/location. We hope we are always seen/heard as the friendly face/voice by you our members, prospective newcomers to the Federation and general public
We maintain, under the guidance of the Federation Treasurer, the financial records for the Federation, receiving all incoming money from WIs, outside bodies, National and outgoing expenses. This role takes up a great deal of time for our bookkeeper, Eileen
We maintain the MCS for the Federation and assist WIs with the setting up and maintenance of their on line records. Jane is our MCS Co-ordinator for the Federation.
We assist and help with co-ordination of the Annual Council Meetings and AGM
I as Federation Secretary and Company Secretary, support the Trustees by helping with the preparation of their meetings, minute taking, ensuring that as an Incorporated Federation the requirements of Companies House are met as well as those required by the Charities Commission.
Not an easy task trying to fit all this into our part time hours which is why you will often find us 'beavering away' out of hours in an effort to serve our membership to the best of our ability.
Lynda Griffiths, Federation Secretary.
Our pages on the NFWI website have been regularly updated since the last newsletter so you can keep abreast of urgent information. Please go to www.thewi.org.uk/Herefordshire; you can always find this address on the front page of our newsletter.
Important information has been added on the following: applying to go on a Judge's training course, information on the Inspiring Women day at the Three Counties Show Ground for Presidents or their representatives, food safety for WI's, how to enter for the Huxley Cup competition in flower arranging, a reminder about the Tomorrows Heirlooms competition and news about Denman bursaries for 2014. Any necessary schedules and application forms are also there for you to download to your computer or print out.
You can also read about any County WI news on our new Facebook page; www.facebook.com/herefordshirefederationofwomensinstitutes which also contains links to the relevant pages on the WI website.
If you have any news about any of your activities with photos which you would like to share with the county, please send them to me so that they can be put on the website and Facebook page. We have unlimited space, whereas the space on the newsletter WI Forum is somewhat limited.
We can use the website and Facebook to publicise any of our activities, so if you are a Facebook user, please go to the page and click the "like" button to receive regular information from us. Let me know if your WI has a website, Facebook page or village page please.
The Spotlight on WI section is also now appearing on the website, with a link to the Facebook page.
With more people getting online all the time, we need to make sure that we can get our message out to prospective members.
I have 2 more dates booked in WI House for anyone who would like to come along (pre-booking essential!). Give me a ring or send me an email to discuss what you would like some help with. I have spaces on March 6th and April 3rd.
Alison Lord, Digital Champion, Tel: 01544 340256, Email: digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com
If you have always wanted to visit Denman and would appreciate a little help there are some Bursaries available for the 2013/2014 programme year.
Denman First Timer bursaries of £300 for a two night residential course and £40 travel are available for members who have not attended a residential course at Denman before.
Denman Carer Bursaries for a two night open residential course, travel up to £50 and also replacement carer costs up to 80% and a maximum of £100 per night.
Travel Bursaries are also available if you live a least 100 miles from Denman.
The closing date for applications is 28th February.
There are still some places left on the Judges Training courses to be held at Denman in March and October. The disciplines are Craft and staging &Interpretation. This is open to members or non members.
For more information and how to apply please contact ;
Val Lewis, Denman Ambassador, Tel: 01544 327700, Email: valjlewis1@aol.com
NB Application forms for all these Denman activities are on the January Federation News page.