Federation News March 2014
Chairman's Letter for March 2014
What a start to the year we have had, so wet, but hopefully spring will soon be here with some better weather. As a family we have had a lovely end to January, on the last day of the month my daughter gave birth to her second set of twins, two little girls, sisters to Will and Tim, all are doing well, thank you to everyone for their good wishes and to the WI member who has knitted some lovely blankets and cardigans.
In January Val Lewis the Denman Ambassador and I visited Putley WI who held a Denman evening. They have two very enthusiastic members who regularly attend Denman and use it as their holiday. They showed a variety of different articles that they had made using newly acquired skills. They showed the short DVD produced by Denman which gives a very good overview of what it is like to visit and have decided to go on a taster day in April. They have also agreed to visit the Herefordshire bedroom with a view to making suggestions on how Herefordshire members could join together for the centenary to produce articles of craft to furnish the bedroom. More after their visit.denman pic
In your February envelope secretaries will have received details of a meeting on 11 March at Hampton Bishop Village Hall at 2.30 to discuss the passing of the baton through Herefordshire. We are looking for inspiring ways of transporting it. The baton is in Herefordshire from the 2 to the 9 September, if you have any ideas please contact your president, your group organiser or me. We have a small group of people planning for this and for the 2015 celebrations and we are looking for members to join us if you are interested please contact me.
Sadly in January the decision was made to close Much Marcle WI, as is often the case there was no one to take the officers posts and the only option was to close it. We are always so pleased when a new WI opens but equally sad when one closes.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
During the centenary year in 2015 it has been proposed that we revive the county picnic and with this in mind we are looking to use some of the crockery that was produced for individual WI's for a special tea, Jane, the Office Assistant, at WI House has done a wonderful job of collecting some but it would be good to have more from other WI's. If you have any that we could add to the collection please contact Jane. It is beautiful old china, some with the names of individual WI's and I'm sure that many of you remember it. We would borrow it and return it when the celebrations are over. Please search in your attics or village halls and see what you can find. If you have scrap books which we could display at the Courtyard in 2015, please let us know.
Also someone mentioned old aprons that were produced and suggested that we may like to use those so anything that reminds us of the last 100years of the WI would be gratefully received.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
for the Eileen Dilley trophy
The Centenary Baton will be presented to the AGM at The Albert Hall in 2015 on a cushion. Some federations asked if they could have the use of it on its journey around the country but it was felt that it would become worn,therefore NFWI has suggested that we might like to make our own.
The trustees have decided to organise a competition for a centenary cushion. The baton is about 12inches long and your cushion will need to be large enough to carry it. It can be worked in any medium-tapestry, cross stitch, patchwork.
All entries should be sent to WI House by the closing date which is 1 July 2014 to enable us to judge them in July and to use it in September when the baton comes to Herefordshire. The winning entry will receive the Eileen Dilley Trophy and all entries will be returned.
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com
Willow Workshop: Many thanks to all members who have applied to do the willow workshop in April. As I suspected there was a lot of interest, and the original one workshop has now become three which are all fully booked. If you didn't manage to get on a workshop this time round for various reasons, please can you let me know so I can gauge whether it is worth booking another for the summer.
Alison Lord, Tel: 01544 340256 Email: alisonrlord@btinternet.com
An invitation to all members to meet and have tea with the European Area President of ACWW, Valerie Stevens, at St Johns Methodist Hall, St Owens Street, Hereford at 2.30 pm on Friday 28 April, cost £5.
Please let Brenda Drake know, by 21 April 2014, on 01432 356653 or email brendadrake@talktalk.net if you are coming.
If you are interested in learning about the ACCW Conference to be held in Warwick in 2016, you can find out lots of information on their website which is: www.acwwconference2016.org.uk
Here is the planning committee for the conference which includes our own Brenda Drake.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 16th July Programme Planning Workshop at WI House details and enclosure in the April Newsletter
2nd Speakers Audition Evening of the year, to be held on Wednesday 1st October at St Johns
Becoming a dual member
Dual membership is available for those who wish to take part in the activities of more than one WI. Members can belong to more than one WI by paying the full membership subscription to the first WI and a further £15.80 to any additional WI's.
A dual member is entitled to take a full and active part in any additional WI's. She may participate and vote at the meetings of both/all WI's. However she may only vote on constitutional matters and resolutions on public affairs, stand for election as an officer, committee member, or delegate as a member of her main WI.
The WI may pass a byelaw to permit a dual member to stand for election as an officer, or, committee member but if she is already an officer or committee member of another WI the consent of the federation/board of trustees must be sought first.
Avril Killick, Chairman, Membership Support Committee, Tel: 01544 327844
Tuesday 18th March 2014 Come and meet Sunday times best selling novelist Adele Parks who in her new book "Spare Brides" has focused on a generation of women who lived in First World War Britain. The talk will be followed by lunch and a book signing.
Cost is W I members £35.00, Non members £40.00.
Thursday 3rd April 2014 John Whaite Bakes.
John is winner of the 2012 series of the BBC's Great British Bake Off. He will be doing a cookery demonstration followed by a lunch and a book signing.
Cost is W I members £45.00, Non members£50.00.
Contact Denman to book your place at these events.
Have you thought about attending Denman this year? It is a lovely way to meet WI members and learn a new skill at the same time. There will be a new leaflet available soon for courses available until December 2014. Contact Denman to be put on the mailing list.
Contact me for details about the literary lunches and any questions that you might have about Denman.
Val Lewis, Denman Ambassador. Tel: 01544 327700 Email: valjlewis1@aol.com
After discussion with Jon Watson our MD we decided that the choir had moved forward as a group and should be entered into the Centenary Competition. The completed form was sent to the Chairman who signed on behalf of the HFWI.
A Music event will take place at Leominster Priory on 7 June 2014 and a number of the members have decided to go along and enjoy a day of music and singing. All costs will be paid by the individual choir members. A concert will be held in the evening featuring the music covered during the day. Individual choirs will be invited to perform a short piece of their choosing. HFWI will perform at the evening concert..
The Chairman has asked if the choir would be available to perform during the Baton Handing Over Ceremony on the 9 September, 2014. Jean Thornton will speak to the MD to ensure that he is free on the 9. 9. 14.
Jean Thornton
Choir Co-ordinator.
Our pages on the NFWI website are regularly updated between newsletters so you can keep abreast of urgent information. Please go to www.thewi.org.uk/Herefordshire; you can always find this address on the front page of our newsletter.
Important information has been added on the following: A Floral Art workshop to be held in May and the Lady Denman Cup 2014 as well as schedules and entry forms to download.
You can also read about any County WI news on our new Facebook page; www.facebook.com/herefordshirefederationofwomensinstitutes which also contains links to the relevant pages on the WI website.
I have now taken on the WI Forum, so if you have any news about any of your activities with photos which you would like to share with the county, please send them to me so that they can be put in the newsletter, on the website and Facebook page. We have unlimited space on the webpages, whereas space in the newsletter is limited.
We can use the website and Facebook to publicise any of our activities, so if you are a Facebook user, please go to the page and click the "like" button to receive regular information from us. Let me know if your WI has a website, Facebook page or village page please.
I have 2 more dates booked in WI House for anyone who would like to come along (pre-booking essential!). Give me a ring or send me an email to discuss what you would like some help with. I have spaces on April 3 and May 15 am and pm.
Alison Lord, Digital Champion, Email: digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com