April 2015


Eardisley WI are looking for more takers for their coach trip to the Botanic Garden of Wales, Tuesday 19th May 2015.

 Coach will pick up in the Tram square Eardisley at 9am and will return at approximately 6pm.

Cost includes coach and entry to the gardens £15.  This visit is suitable for those who are not so physically mobile as there is transport to take you around the area and wheelchairs can be obtained.

Partners and friends welcome.

Contact Val Lewis 01544 327700 or Val Denny  01544 327159


17 APRIL 2015

The weather was wonderful on Friday and 17 teams came to support Saxty's and HFWI and all had a great day.  Val Lewis, Julia Whittall and I sold cakes and preserves during the day and raised over £150.  Thank you to all who contributed.

In the evening everyone went back to Saxty's for dinner and the auction and raffle took place.  Saxty's were very grateful for our hampers etc which were divided between the raffle and auction, thank you, they looked super.
The evening was a great success and they raised a great amount of money - more in the Newsletter.

I'm sorry about the quality of the photographs but I hope they give you a flavour of the day. They are of the shooters having their picnic and our hampers in the evening.

Thank you to Neville Symonds who organised the event, Saxty's, Griffin Lloyd Shooting Ground and everyone, including members, who contributed to the day.

Kathryn Bandfield - Federation Chairman.



Chairman's Letter for April

Dear Members,

We had a lovely surprise in February. The Duchess of Cornwall has agreed to host a garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the centenary of the WI. There has not been a WI garden party since 1965. To ensure a fair distribution of invitations they asked for each WI to have a lottery for their ticket and I hope this happened at all WI's in March. In addition HFWI were given 17 invitations to distribute as they wished. All invitees will shortly receive a letter from me giving the details of the day.

On the 4th June 34 of us will attend the AGM at The Albert Hall, it is unfortunate that it is in the same week as the Royal Garden Party but it was too late to change the date when we were notified of the garden party. I am sure it will be a wonderful day as the setting is perfect.

The 2015 Committee is currently arranging the County Picnic which we are hoping will take place in August at Lower Hope Gardens; we will know more after our meeting with Mr and Mrs Richards. More in the next newsletter.

From time to time we are asked by some WI's if we will email the Newsletter. The Board has considered this but we are determined not to exclude members who do not have computers and have refused. However I am writing to all presidents asking for their views taking into account your opinions. WI's who only have email Newsletters would have to print copies for members not on computer and this may be a black and white copy. You may lose your colour Newsletter. Please let your committee have your views, this is your Newsletter.

I am pleased to welcome two new trustees, Jenny Holmes, Peterstow WI and Gaile Harris, Tupsley WI on to the Board and we have a new book keeper, Kate Smith who will work 2/3 days a month.

There are lots of events being arranged for 2015, please come along and support the Federation.

With my best wishes,
Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman, Tel: 07805 584878, Email: kathrynbandfield@gmail.com


Book keeper We have appointed a book keeper, Kate Smith who will work three days a month. She will be available on the first and third Wednesday and the second Tuesday of each month - 9.30 to 2.30. Her email address is finance.hfwie@gmail.com

Treasurer: We have at last appointed to the treasurers post. We have two members sharing the role, Gaille Harris from Tupsley WI and Jenny Holmes from Peterstow WI.

Teddy Bears
Over the past two years many of you have given me Teddy Bears For South Africa, Cape Town . We sent 1,000 last November. Now we have a new Challenge: a plea from the Syrian Relief and Development Organisation for 10,000 Teddies, for the refugee children in Syria. We need them by July. It is traditional for a Mother to give her child a gift at the end of Ramadan. These Mothers have nothing. So please help as you have done in the past. Please bring a Teddy with you at the Annual Council Meeting. Ring me and I will arrange collection. Thank you so much.

Eileen Dilley


The Cogan Cup will take place on 21st September 2015 7pm,  St Johns Hall, St Owen Street, Hereford.
The competition is a choice from any of the subjects listed below, performed as if on radio.
A miscellany of poetry, prose and music on:

The seasons

Time allowed: 15 minutes

Teams: 2-4 readers + plus a sound 'engineer' if needed.
(No props or costumes, any necessary sound effects permissible)
£10 per team
Please contact Mrs Brenda Drake, 11 Grampian Close, Hereford, HR4 0TA. Tel 01432 356653

 Llangollen International Eisteddfod visit 8th July 2015 tickets £25.00

For anyone who hasn't visited the International Eisteddfod at Llangollen, this is a really good day out. The events take place in a large tent so if the weather isn't too good, it doesn't matter. We go on Competition day when various choirs of young people sing and there are also some dance troupes. There are also fringe events on site but if you want to leave, your ticket allows you to come and go. I recommend a packed lunch though there are food and drink outlets and a some craft stalls.

For more information telephone Brenda Drake 01432 356653

Please complete the enclosure and send to Brenda Drake, 11 Grampian Close, Hereford HR4 0TA

 The International Evening this year will be held at Hampton Bishop on 26th October and the country is Wales. We are also holding the Cogan cup on September 21st and a trip to Llangollen for the Eisteddfod in July. (Details in this newsletter).

We also have three tables at the Spring Show in Malvern. Stewards, crafts and demonstrators are needed. If you can help please contact Val Lewis Tel 01544 327700 or email valjlewis1@aol.com


Due to lack of members on the Leisure and Pleasure Committee the board has agreed to amalgamate it and the Fundraising Committee which is chaired by Eileen Dilley.


The 2015 committee are planning a County Picnic. It is hoped that it will take place in August at Lower Hope Gardens. There will be competitions, entertainment and a bring and share tea. More in the next newsletter.

On 21st November we are holding a concert given by the Rail Male Choir at Holy Trinity Church, wine and nibbles will be served. More details nearer the time.

Details from Kathryn Bandfield. 07805 584878


Something for everyone.
Walk and Lunch Tuesday I4th April 10.00am. Much Birch Cost £7-50

I need SIX more people for the holiday to the Isle of Man from 25th to 30th June this year. This is a very good value holiday at £490 per person. We will have dinner, bed and breakfast at the Ramsay Park Hotel. We will visit many of the delights of the island, including a train ride to the summit of Snaefell.
All our holidays have been very successful so why not join us on this one? I need to hear from you very soon.
Contact Eileen Dilley on 01432 880527 or e.dilley27@btinternet.com

A Day out on Severn Valley Railway Kidderminster to Bridgnorth. Thursday 14th May 2015.
Severn Valley Railway Kidderminster to Bridgnorth then up funicular to high Bridgnorth with very pretty alley ways delightful shops good views and plenty of Tearooms
Leaving Golden Pioneer Depot @ 8.00 am
Hereford Merton Meadow 8.30 am
Ledbury 9.00am.
Cost. £25. 50 for Coach and Rail Fare
If you are interested contact Eileen Dilley 01432 880527 Bramley, Sutton St Nicolas, Hereford, HR1 3AY

Fashion Show

Great Fashion Show for all on Wednesday 27th May at Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall. Starting at 7-00pm.
Selling outlet clothes by Per Una, Next, Coast, Phase Eight, Top Shop and Wallis. You can buy on the night and there are changing rooms available. We will be holding a raffle with the top prize £50 pounds to spend on clothes.

Ticket £8.00 to include a glass of wine or fruit juice with Savouries and Cakes. Bring your friends and let's make this a BIG Fund raising night.

More information from Eileen Dilley 01432 880527.
Book now don't hesitate, Complete the enclosure and return to WI House.


The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. April 1st Bread making, Pam Taplin, May 6th Craft day.
EnquirIes please contact:- Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328


Thank You to all of the WI's that completed and returned the survey that I did about Denman. Some of the comments have been quite enlightening. I will collate the results and let you know at our ACM what the members thought, I will also let you know in the next newsletter.

I am arranging another "Taster" day at Denman on 15th/16th November 2015. I am waiting for the final details which I hope will be available by our ACM. The courses that I have chosen are very different from the usual.
I still have bursaries of £10 available for travel to Denman, please let me know if you have been this year or are arranging to go.

On 10th March three of us went to Denman to see Mary Berry and have her book signed. It was a lovely day, Mary is a very interesting person and let us into secrets from "The Bake off" and snippets of her private life.
I will be doing the "Denman Dip" at the ACM so please bring your £1 coins and I will supply the envelopes.
Contact me by e mail, phone or a letter. Val Lewis e mail valjlewis1@aol.com or 01544 327700



If you are looking to check up on an event don't forget the events calendar on our Herefordshire pages of the WI website (www.thewi.org.uk/herefordshire) The newsletter is on the Federation news page; reports and photos from the WI Forum are on the WI News pages, all arranged by month. Facebook users can also visit our Federation page for reminders and updates on Federation events. If there is anything else you would like to see on our web pages and/or Facebook page please let me know.
Tuition available on Wednesday 8 April. Four members attended WI house at the beginning of March for help on their computers and tablets. I have also helped 2 WI Treasurers with the downloadable spreadsheet from the Moodle and have visited members from another WI to assist with the new MCS system. Please contact me if you require any help too.
I have recently had a couple of enquiries from WI's interested in setting up their own websites. I would be interested in hearing from other WI's who have done this to see whether you have any hints and tips you could pass on.
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com Tel 01544340256


The Conquest Theatre in Bromyard will be streaming the AGM on Thursday 4th June live into the Auditorium all day. Tickets to include coffee and biscuits will be £8.00. We will also offer a light lunch of Salmon or Coronation Chicken salad for £6.00, followed by delicious desserts. The bar will be open over the lunch time. Booking can be made on-line through the Conquest Theatre. Anyone who would like to book a light lunch, please email me shirleyacook@gmail.com or call me on 01885 489029.