February 2015
Chairman's Letter for February
Dear Members,
I hope this finds you refreshed after Christmas and New Year.
It is now time to continue our planning for 2015 including the Centenary Celebrations. Becky has been in contact with you about the ACM and AGM. The former is being held at The Three Counties Hotel; the decision has been made for several reasons but two of those, financial and car parking we hope will help the federation and members.
The latter is at The Albert Hall which unfortunately increases costs for those attending but it is a wonderful setting and seems appropriate for the Centenary Year. We also are planning to show the AGM throughout the county. We had hoped that this would be a joint event at the Courtyard but we were unable to co-ordinate NFWI and the Courtyard satisfactorily and could not ensure that the screening would happen. We are hoping now to show it around the county either in WI Groups or areas; we are determined to ensure that all members who want to join together to see it will have the opportunity to do so. More details soon.
Thank you once again for you letters and cards which I have continued to receive, I think I have had at least one letter from each WI! I have had a very difficult time and continue to do so although I went out during the first week of January for the first time. I have had six weeks of daily radiotherapy and chemotherapy and unfortunately with this type of treatment it gets worse once it has ended, I am in the process of learning to eat and use my mouth properly again. During my treatment I spent at least 3 weeks as an inpatient at Cheltenham but have also used the services in Hereford and Worcester. All have been excellent and for those who have donated to our local cancer charities, the money is well spent.
Kathryn Bandfield
A guide to being a Federation Trustee
A new short interactive course has been developed for the WI Moodle for members who would like to find out what being a Federation Trustee involves. After completing the course, if you decide you may be interested in being a Federation Trustee, please contact WI House.
Please remember to send in your fantastic photographs of Herefordshire Wildlife to WI house by 28th February 2015.
Your photograph should be in landscape, digital images permitted, please do not write on the back of the photo and remember to turn the date function off!
Include your Name, WI, Address, Phone no and photo title to WI House or email to fedsec.hfwie@tiscali.co.uk
This year, for the first time, we would like invite crafty stall holders to sell their goods at the Annual Council Meeting on 13th April. We will be renting table space and would like to hear from you if you have a small business or produce your own crafts to sell. It would also be good to hear from you if you know someone who might be interested to attend and sell their goods. Table charges yet to be confirmed. Please contact Becky at WI House on 01432 272268 or email fedsec@hfwie@tiscali.co.uk
HFWI ACM 2015— Monday 13th April at the Three Counties Hotel, Hereford
You are all welcome to the 94th HFWI Annual Council Meeting which will be held at the Three Counties Hotel this year. Join the Chairman and Trustees on this annual event to celebrate another year of WI activities. Prices are held at £6.50. There will be no tickets this year or seating plan, however you will still need to register on your arrival. Stalls and coffee will be open from 9.30am.
Please return the enclosed paperwork to secure your place at the ACM to WI House by 20th March.
Leisure & Pleasure sub committee
The recent 2014 Christmas Concert was very well attended by WI members and their families. It was such a joy to see so many WI members joining together to "start" the Christmas Season.
We had the Bell ringers, a country and western singer direct from her successful concerts in "the USA", also a surprise appearance of a Harpist from Brecon – so beautiful. We also had some great poems, reading and stories read by our own members from HFWI. Last, but not least, was the contribution from our own Grace Notes Choir. The Choir opened the Concert with a candlelight rendition of Silent Night, which from comments received on the night was well received by all present. Thanks to Rev Brian Chave for his contribution to the concert and the amazing lighting, thanks also to The Ladies from Grace Notes for supplying such "mouth-watering, and yummy" mince pies for the refreshments. Huge thanks must go to the members from the Three Elms WI who prepared and served the refreshments, but also, WASHED UP afterward. Finally I must thank the members of the Leisure & Pleasure Committee for their help and support in the arranging and production of the Concert.
Unfortunately the Concert "flirting with the beginning of Spring" due to held at the Gardener Hall has been cancelled. Apologies to all who have shown an interest. Any pre purchased tickets will be refunded.
Jean Thornton, Chairman Leisure and Pleasure Sub Committee. Co-ordinator of the Grace Notes Choir. Contact Tel 09181 500 421. Email: jmt.moccas@gmail.com
Education, International and Public Affairs Sub-Committee
International Eisteddfod at Llangollen
By popular request I have been asked for a repeat visit to Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. I am looking at 15 July, which is Competition day. There will be more information available in April, but could members let me know if you are interested. Brenda Drake 01432 356653
Membership Support Committee
Wednesday 22nd April Resolution Briefing Meeting
As usual this meeting will be held at Hampton Bishop Village Hall, with coffee from 9.30 am, the meeting starting at 10am and finishing at noon. More details as soon as we know which resolution, or, resolutions are going forward.
This year we will be holding two Speakers Audition Evenings, the first on 20th April and the second on the 28th September. Both meetings will be held at St Johns', St Owens Street and will begin at 7pm. Please put these dates in your diary and come along to these very popular evenings.
Don't forget to book for the officers workshops, details in your last News Letter.
Avril Killick 01544 327844
Fundraising Sub-Committee
Federation Quiz - Thursday 19th March 2015
Pembridge Village Hall 7.00pm, Dinedor Village Hall 7.00pm, Ledbury Community centre 7.00pm.
Teams of 4, £10.00 per team, this can be paid for by your WI, as you are representing your WI in this competition. If not it is £2.50 per person. Final now set for 10th April -Sutton St Nicholas at 7pm.
We all had a wonderful visit to Waddesdon Manor for Christmas. The weather was perfect, blue skies, therefore sunshine. Beautiful decorations, fantastic Afternoon Tea. Everyone said it was a perfect day out.
There are still a few spaces left on the holidays to the Hartz mountains railways 25.4.15-1.5.15 and the Isle of Man 25.6. 5-30.6.15 please send a SAE for a brochure.
Eileen Dilley 01432 880527 Bramley, Sutton St Nicolas, Hereford, HR1 3AY
Much Birch Walk -14th April 2015 leaving at 10.00am.
Come along for a medium strength walk around Much Birch starting at the Community Hall on Tuesday 14th April 2015 leaving at 10.00am. Return to the Hall for homemade soup & roll, cake, tea and coffee. Cost £7.50. please complete the enclosure and return to WI House 31st March 2015.
Contact Lesley Lowe, Tel 01981 540366 or email lesleylowe50@aol.com
Fond Memories of Joy Ward by Eileen Dilley
I first met Joy properly when I moved from Lyonshall to Sutton St Nicholas and joined Marden WI. I had seen Joy in action on the stage of the annual and half yearly meetings representing Education, International & Public Affairs sub- committee. She always struck me as a well organised lady, good speaker, champion of the spoken word (that was the teacher coming out in her), and great sense of humour. She loved poetry and introduced the Cogan Cup, a bi annual competition we now run for poetry.
After a few months of getting to know Joy better she asked me to attend the executive committee which I joined as Vice Chairman. Joy was always a local supporter and we had a lot of fun. At Marden Committee meetings she would bring out a bottle of British sherry and I would bring cheese footballs, her favourites. I had many a white knuckle ride with Joy, she did not like to be driven, and she wanted to be at the wheel. She organised many holidays and outings. My husband Ted and I always enjoyed these very much. She was a good teacher, so I took over outings and holidays and Joy came with us instead. She did everything on the holidays even after her heart bypass op, she really did live life to the full! Joy will be missed but never forgotten.
Digital Champion News
MCS— Please speak to Jane if you are having problems with the new log in which has to be your email address. There are also help pages on the MCS site, plus help sheets on the Moodle which are easier to understand. Jane is in WI House on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, or you can email her on hfwi.reception@gmail.com
WI Treasurers - There is a very useful NFWI spreadsheet which can be downloaded from the Moodle for your WI accounts. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in attending a course at WI House on this.
Tuition— Please let me know if you would like any help with your computer or tablet and I will try to help. You can have private tuition at WI House for £4 for 90 minutes. I do need to know a day in advance if you cannot attend however as WI House is a 40 mile round trip for me.
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com Tel 01544 340256
The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. February 4th sugar flowers, June Howley. March 4th, Trip to Hereford Museum, Friar Street.
Enquires please contact:- Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com Tel 01544 340256