March 2015

 Chairman's Letter for March

Dear Members,

At the January Board Meeting we discussed plans for 2015. Much of our discussion was about finances. Please support our events as this is a way of increasing any profit and enjoying yourself at the same time. We are also in desperate need of sub-committee members; being a committee member is not onerous and the more members we have, the more ideas, enthusiasm and help there is.

I would like to thank all those WI's who have sent donations to HFWI, I know how difficult it is to raise funds and it is very generous of you all to share yours with us.

The 2015 Committee is meeting in February but plans are in hand for a County Picnic and for screening the AGM at the Albert Hall. If your WI or Group of WI's is hoping to show the AGM we would be grateful if you could contact me or Becky at WI House. If you are prepared to invite members from other Institutes you can apply to the Board for £100 to help towards expenses. This will be taken from the profit made at the Lower Hope Garden Party.

Later in the Newsletter you will see details of the Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot run by Saxty's with all profits raised being given to HFWI. In the monthly package there are more details, please help in any way that you can to help them raise funds for us.

Don't forget the ACM at the Three Counties Hotel. Last year we had a very entertaining day that everyone enjoyed and we are planning the same this year. We have some very entertaining speakers and the ticket price is the same as last year.

Sadly we have seen the suspension of Shobdon and Three Elms, the main reason being lack of officers. It is very sad when a WI closes, the officers jobs are not difficult or time consuming, you can always give it a try and you might find that you enjoy it!  Alternatively you could try shadowing an officer if you know she is giving up her post to see if it interests you.

I am back in circulation now so if you wish me to attend any of your meetings or events please write to me at The Forge House, Burley Gate HR1 3QS or

With best wishes, Kathryn.



Leisure & Pleasure sub committee


The concert of the 27 March 2015 will go ahead with the Grace Notes taking Centre Stage on the evening. However, other performers have been invited to attend a Children's Choir, and of course there will be Poetry Readings by HFWI members and other surprises on the evening. OH! and of course there will be a Raffle !!
Please try and come along and support the choir it, means so much to the Choir Members when you are there.
The price of the tickets will be £7.00 each this will include a glass on wine on arrival and nibbles on the tables. The room will be set out in cabaret style so dress up if you wish ladies.
Tickets available from Jean Thornton, Co-ordinator of the Grace Notes Choir. Contact Tel 09181 500 421. Email: Vine Cottage, Moccas, Hereford. HR2 9QD.

Membership Support Committee

Speakers Audition Evening, Monday 18th April

I am very sorry this popular meeting has had to be cancelled as not enough prospective speakers have applied to audition. A second audition evening is planned for Monday 28th September by which time I am sure we will have enough speakers to make the evening viable. More details to follow.

Wednesday 22nd April Resolution Briefing Meeting

As usual this meeting will be held at Hampton Bishop Village Hall, with coffee from 9.30 am, the meeting starting at 10am and finishing at noon.

2015 Resolution Short List
The result of Herefordshire's vote was as followed
The next 100 years 22
Planting a tree for the future 46
Public access to defibrillation 194
Failing to care – assessment of need in long-term care 286
Cutting back on food waste 113
To curb the use of antibiotics 147
Total number of votes 818 from 51 WI's
For more information please contact : Avril Killick


Fundraising Sub-Committee

There are still a few spaces left on the holidays to the Hartz mountains railways 25.4.15-1.5.15 and the Isle of Man 25.6. 5-30.6.15 please send a SAE for a brochure.

Eileen Dilley 01432 880527 Bramley, Sutton St Nicolas, Hereford, HR1 3AY.

A Day out on Seven Valley Railway Kidderminster to Bridgnorth. Thursday 14th May 2015.

Leaving Golden Pioneer Depot @ 8.00 am
Hereford Merton Meadow 8.30 am
Ledbury 9.00am.
Cost. £25. 50 for Coach and Rail Fare
More details next month.
If you are interested contact Eileen Dilley 01432 880527 Bramley, Sutton St Nicolas, Hereford, HR1 3AY



The theme for the Huxley Cup this year is "Our Heritage, Our Future" Competitors are invited to enter a table top exhibit of plant material to interpret the theme, Our Heritage, Our Future. To be held at the WI Centennial Fair, Harrogate International Centre on 3– 6 September. If you are interested make a note of the date with full details to follow, for more information please see The Moodle.


This year, for the first time, we would like invite crafty stall holders to sell their goods at the Annual Council Meeting on 13th April. We will be renting table space and would like to hear from you if you have a small business or produce your own crafts to sell. It would also be good to hear from you if you know someone who might be interested to attend and sell their goods. There will be a small charge for tables. Please contact Becky at WI House on 01432 272268 or email


As you are aware Eileen Dilley arranges holidays for members once or twice a year. This includes advertising the holidays and liaising with the holiday company and members and acting as hostess during the holidays.
We have been advised by NFWI that we have to 'advertise' this role in case any other WI member would like to take it on. This is an unpaid role. If you are interested could you please contact Kathryn Bandfield or Becky Bissell at WI House.

LADY DENMAN CUP COMPETITION 2015— 'A Presidents Log: Star Date 2115'

The Lady Denman Cup Competition 2015 invites WI members and Associates to imagine what their WI would be like in 2115 and write a futuristic presidents annual report using no more than 500 words. The winning entry will be awarded a £75 book token and receive the Lady Denman Cup. If you are interested, please contact WI House for an application form. Closing Date for entries 7th July 2015.


On 17 April Saxtys will hold their annual shoot at Griffin Lloyd Shooting ground in Knighton, Powys. The proceeds will be donated to HFWI. We are not required to do anything although the trustees are going to provide homemade cakes for tea.

Saxtys have already made a great effort to invite shooters, sponsors and asked for donations but it would be wonderful if we could do the same. In the monthly secretary's package there is a letter which could be used for any local businesses or anyone that may be prepared to help. There is also more information about this shoot.
Also if you have anything you can give please contact me or Becky at WI House. This could be dinner cooked for 6, a pair of handmade curtains, use of a holiday home, a day's shooting or you may like to get together in your group and make a hamper of some sort. These are only suggestions, you may have other ideas. If you want more detail please ask your secretary, Becky, me or Kay at Saxty's – full details are in your WI package.— Kathryn.


Denman Report

Now that March is here and the worst of winter is hopefully behind us, I hope that some of you are thinking of visiting Denman college this year. If you have attended Denman before and it did not meet your expectations then give it another go, the catering has changed in the past year and is of a very high standard. I am looking to arrange a taster day very soon so why not give it another go. There are three of us going to see Mary Berry at Denman in March and I am attending another stained glass course with Anna Conti in May as I enjoyed the day course that I attended last year so much.

Thank you for completing and sending in the questionnaire that I sent out, I need to know exactly what members want before I can book any visits on their behalf .Don't forget to visit the Denman website to see what is available and see any late special deals.

There are some £10 travelling bursaries available, please let me know your name, WI and contact details if you have visited Denman since January or if you have booked a course this year. The closing date for applications is 31st March 2015, then I will inform the successful applicants.

Enjoy the Spring, I think that it is the best season of the year!

Val Lewis; Denman Ambassador. E mail



WI Treasurers

There is a very useful NFWI spreadsheet which can be downloaded from the Moodle for your WI
accounts. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in attending a course at WI House on this.


Please let me know if you would like any help with your computer or tablet and I will try to help. You can have private tuition at WI House for £4 for 90 minutes (money to WI funds). I do need to know a day in advance if you cannot attend however, as WI House is a 40 mile round trip for me. I will also do tuition at my home by arrangement if that is more convenient for you.


Please don't forget that there is a lot of information on our Herefordshire WI website ( including reports and photos of all your local WI events submitted to WI Forum. Facebook users can also visit our Federation page for reminders and updates on Federation events. If there is anything you would like to see on our web pages and/or Facebook page please let me know.

Alison Lord Tel 01544 340256


HFWI ACM 2015— Monday 13th April at the Three Counties Hotel

You are all welcome to the 94th HFWI Annual Council Meeting which will be held at the Three Counties Hotel this year. Join the Chairman and Trustees on this annual event to celebrate another year of WI activities. We are finalising the day and have enclosed the draft agenda and minutes for you. This year we will be joined by the HFWI choir in the morning, to sing us into the day, followed by business and our super guest speakers:
Terry Court is an auctioneer, valuer and director at Brightwells, having worked at Brightwells for 60 years he'll give us a lively account of life as an auctioneer; Mair Granthier will provide an insight into the street life for youth in Hereford City; aAnd back by popular demand, Heather Gorringe will amuse and educate us about her latest business venture, The Great British Florist Company — Not to be missed!

This year, for the first time stalls will be set up in and around the event room offering a variety of homemade crafts for sale. You can still enter the Denman dip and browse information tables.

Prices are held at £6.50. There will be no tickets this year or seating plan, however you will still need to register on your arrival. Stalls and coffee will be open from 9.30am.. Please join us.

Enclosure sent with your February Newsletter. For more information please contact WI House.


The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00.
Enquiries please contact:- Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328