May 2015

Patchwork Day

Wednesday 24th June 2015  10am to 4pm
Eardisley Village Hall
Patchwork Day exploring log cabin design. Suitable for beginners and those with more experience. Covering fabric selection, preparation, cutting and piecing. To complete a small project such as a cushion, small throw, table runner or bag. More information will be forwarded on booking.
Note; It is essential to bring your own sewing machine with a ¼ inch foot.
If more people apply than places available then places will be chosen by lottery.
Cost £25
Application, cheque and SAE by 7th June 2015 to Val Lewis, Chesterwood, Eardisley HR3 6NS. Tel 01544 327700. Email

Federation Taster day at Denman 15/16th November 2015  Cost £165

Come and Visit Denman with us and see what it has to offer for you.
Included is Coach with three pick ups at Ross, Leominster and Hereford.
Afternoon tea and a tour of Denman college on arrival.
After settling into your room we then meet in the bar to chat before a sumptuous Dinner. In the evening there will be a talk from a speaker arranged by Denman. Last year we had a really interesting talk on Victoriana.
After a restful night we have a full breakfast before the taster courses of;
1/Handbell ringing  with Gay Cooper
2/Calligraphy   with Mary Noble
3/ Bead and wire jewellery with Amy Surnam
4/ Patchwork upcycling materials  with Christine Green.
There is a break for lunch and then we return home at 3:30pm.
When you have chosen which course you would like to attend then please contact me and I will send you an application form. If by post then please enclose a SAE.If by email then I can send you a form.
When you return the form with a £20 deposit then your place will be booked.
Closing date for bookings is 15th June but sooner is better than later.
I hope to fill these courses and we can all have a lovely time at Denman.
I hope to see you soon
Val Lewis, Chesterwood,  Eardisley Herefordshire HR3 6NS 01544 327700


Joanna Helme of Burghill & Tillington WI tells us about her involvement in this fascinating project. All the outfits in this project will be shown as part of the Centenary AGM in the Albert Hall.  Look out for a feature on this project in the July/August WI Life magazine.

There is still time to buy tickets for the Fashion Show on 20 May at Kingston University.

Joanna said: 'It all began with the May/June 2014 issue of WI Life – an invitation to apply to become part of an innovative project bringing together fashion students from Kingston University with WI members with craft experience. Being an enthusiastic knitter, I decided to send in my 'CV' and was delighted to be accepted.  At an initial meeting in October 2014 at Denman College, the nature of the project was explained to us and the 11 students were each grouped with 2 WI members. The students were to be responsible for the designs but our input could be whatever we were prepared to offer. Somewhat to our surprise, we discovered that although the students use quite complex knitting machines, not many of them could knit by hand!

Later that month we visited Kingston University and saw the sorts of machines the students use – some now computer-aided, producing amazing patterns and textures – and also their preliminary designs. I've been working with Grace White who decided to take her design inspiration from marbling –  like the swirling patterns you find on the end papers in old books. Back home in Hereford I began to see how this marbling idea could be interpreted in knitting. We used the Pinterest website as a way of sharing ideas, which was very useful.
In December we met up at NFWI House in London. By now the designs were finalised and it was really interesting to get a glimpse of what each group was up to. Grace's design incorporates trousers and a tunic and I was slightly horrified when she asked me if I would knit the trousers using the marbling techniques I had developed. I have knitted many things in my time but a pair of trousers was going to be a first! I reminded myself I like a challenge, and agreed….

jh 2 

Everything seemed to go quiet in the new year and I was beginning to get anxious about deadlines, when a box of yarn arrived and a paper pattern.  I spent some time working out from this how many stitches I would need and how I would do the necessary increases and decreases, and started knitting up the yarn only to realise we had a big problem. Not only was the (donated) yarn totally out of keeping with the colours in Grace's design, it was never going to give the marbled effect we were trying to achieve. It seemed unlikely that we were going to be able to source any suitable commercial yarn so I decided the only thing to do was to dye some!

JH 1 

I spent a busy Saturday afternoon in March painting hanks of undyed yarn and 'cooking' them in the microwave. I was pleased with the result – now there was just the small matter of knitting it up into the trousers.  I decided to use a technique known as 'short rows' to help to give the fabric movement and the swirling lines I was trying to represent.   Last week came the 'tada!' moment as I finally finished them. I emailed photos to Grace, who I'm much relieved to say likes them. She is busy with the rest of the outfit, which she has got to somehow squeeze in alongside 17 other knitted outfits for her finals!


The trousers will make their first public appearance at a fashion show at Kingston University on the 20th May and then all the outfits will be shown as part of the Annual Meeting at the Albert Hall on 4th June. They are also probably going to be displayed at various fashion and craft shows around the country.  And there should be quite a big feature on the Kingston Project in the July/August issue of WI Life.'

Chairman's Letter for May

Dear Members.
I am delighted to be writing this as your Federation Chairman for another year. I consider it to be a great honour to represent you and am grateful for the support I get from members and the board of trustees, thank you.

It is such a busy time for the federation. We have been organising the ACM, The Royal Garden Party, the AGM and making our contribution to Saxty's Clay Shoot in addition to the day job. Jane's, Becky's and my feet haven't touched the ground with, of course, the support of others.

I did find time to go to my first WI meeting; I joined Bishopswood WI for their 96th Birthday Party, tea, chat and their wonderful scrapbooks, a lovely afternoon, thank you for inviting me.

I have reported on the shoot and the ACM later in the Newsletter but I have been inundated with letters, emails and some posts on Facebook congratulating us on such a successful ACM. Members seemed to like almost every aspect of the day, the venue, the car parking, the speakers, even the business! The one overwhelming negative was the food (see report.  ) If we return to the hotel next year it will be on the understanding that there is great improvement in this area. Thank you all for attending; without you it would not be a success.

The Saxty's Clay Shoot was an amazing day for us; they raised £8000 which is being donated to the Federation and for the shooters who enjoyed the day immensely. On cakes and preserves we raised £170 plus.

I apologise to those going to Buckingham Palace who have been badgered for their details but it is imperative that we send the correct details to NFWI to ensure that there are no hiccups on the day.

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather and look forward to seeing you soon.

Kathryn Bandfield.


There are times when we need to contact WI's in-between Newsletters and Alison, our Digital Champion has been carrying out this service for us up to now on a voluntary basis.  However, with immediate effect this will be done by WI House. Should you wish to send out an urgent message you should contact the Federation Secretary on or 01432 272268.

If your WI does not have an urgent contact email address and you would like to notify us of one or if it has changed there is a form in your secretary's pack to notify The Federation Secretary at WI House.


We were expecting 166 members for the ACM but had to put more chairs out which was a lovely surprise. We had a busy day which began with the choir leading us in singing Jerusalem; as ever they were very good and it was great to have them along, thank you.

We started with the business of the day including the Minutes 2014, Apologies, Adoption of standing orders and appointment of the accountant.

I gave my opening address with a report on a very successful year, the trustees' aims were to reduce outgoings and increase members involvement at county and national level, all was achieved. The budget balanced and we had great success at national level in competitions for craft and floral arrangement so we could not ask for more.
The presentation of accounts was given by Treasurer Jenny Holmes and these were adopted.

Val Lewis and Cicely Symonds gave accounts of Denman and Campaigns. We have had some well supported and enjoyable trips to Denman and more are planned for 2015/16.

Our first speaker Mr Terry Court gave us a lively account of his life as an auctioneer, starting as a 15 year old and now is one of the most outstanding equine auctioneers in the country. Members enjoyed hearing about 'Old Herefordshire and familiar names'.

It was time for reports from our sub-committees; Eileen Dilley reported on the next year for Fundraising (+L&P); as ever they have an exciting and varied programme of events for us. Jean gave us an account of the choir's successful year and Brenda told US about the work of the ACWW, a wonderful organisation which campaigns for women's rights all over the world.

Every year the Federation Chairman has the opportunity to award Paddy's Tree to the most deserving WI, this year it was awarded to Tupsley for their enthusiasm; they were aiming for 40 members but have passed that number and are now aiming for 50.

We broke for lunch which was not what we were expecting. Some of the trustees had been to the hotel to sample the menu and unfortunately the standard sampled was not that provided on the day; please accept our apologies. We are speaking to the hotel in this regard.

After lunch we heard from the remaining sub-committees, Avril Killick reported on the work of MSC, Alison Lord, Digital Champion encouraged us not to be afraid of our computers and I gave an outline of 2015 for the Education Committee, trips, craft workshops and the International Evening. We had the presentation of certificates and prizes, well done everyone!

The Denman Dip was won by Elizabeth Wilson from The Pyons.

This followed by a talk from Mair Grantham from the Night Shift. What a story, to turn around a litter picking session at night into helping people of all ages who are in need; they are to be congratulated for giving their time when most of us are in bed.

We had some lovely prizes for the HFWI Draw and names were announced: also the raffle for the day; thank you Peterstow WI.

Our final speaker was Heather Gorringe, back by popular request and she did not fail to entertain us, talking about her business The Great British Florist Company based in Hereford.

It was time for my closing speech. I kept the best until last.  The Queen and The Princess Royal are attending the AGM at the Albert Hall which all attending and those watching with their own WI's or at home will be able to see.

The Royal Garden Party will be attended by The Duchess of Cornwall and The Countess of Wessex and 83 of us have been invited from Herefordshire.

Finally a soft fruit grower from Herefordshire has invited us to pick fruit for free in June/July after the supermarket has picked only those of a certain size and shape. We will have to have a network for notification of the date.

Well-deserved thanks were given to Jane and Becky for their hard work in arranging our ACM, we sang the National Anthem and a successful day ended. (Apologies for the words of the second verse, I don't know where they came from)!

Kathryn Bandfield, Federation Chairman

You can read the reports that have been submitted from the Annual Council Meeting if you click on the link below:

Annual Council Meeting 2015


The weather was wonderful on Friday 17 April and 17 teams came to support Saxty's and Herefordshire WI's and all had a great day.

The day began with the shooters having picnic lunches and Val Lewis, Julia Whittall and I sold cakes and preserves donated by WI's. We raised over £170; thank you to all who donated items.

In the evening everyone went back to Saxty's for dinner, the auction and raffle. Saxty's were very grateful for our hampers and other prizes which were divided between the raffle and auction, they looked super.

The evening was a great success due to contributions made and the generosity of the people present. They raised about £8,500 which is being donated to us, what a marvellous result.

Thank you to Neville Symonds who organised the event, Saxty's, Griffin Lloyd Shooting Ground and everyone who contributed to the day.

Finally, I was overwhelmed by the contributions made by the members, the cakes as ever were delicious and the hampers and prizes were amazing, you had worked so hard and I felt very proud to be representing you, thank you.

County Picnic Centenary Competition

The County Picnic will be held at Lower Hope Gardens on Sunday 16th August 2015.
There will be a centenary competition and here are the subjects so you can get on with planning and making.


Evening Bag for the centenary no larger than 16cm x 20cm—6" x 8".
Matinee Jacket for the Royal Baby.
Celebration card in any paper craft.
Patchwork cushion 41cm x 41cm—16" x 16".


Landscape shape A5 Framed of Herefordshire Village scene (any part of).

Flower Arrangement:-

In a tea cup and saucer


Jar of Jam made from single summer fruits.
3 decorated cup cakes on 7" (18cm) plate.

I would like to thank Carla Lever who collated all the information from the competitions survey. More information next month.  Any questions contact Eileen Dilley 01432 880527

PATCHWORK DAY 24th June 2015

A patchwork day exploring the traditional log cabin design suitable for beginners and those with some experience, covering fabric selection, preparation, cutting and piecing.

Workshop from 10-4pm including fabric required to complete a small project like a cushion, small throw, table runner or bag. You will need to provide some items but it is essential you have sewing machine set up with 1/4 inch foot.

Tea and coffee provided during the day but please bring your own lunch.

Cost £25.00. Contact Val Lewis 01544 327700


Colours fashion show at Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall on Wednesday 27th May 2015 at 7.00pm.
With the light evenings now here fill up your cars with members and friends.

The good news is I have a good deal and the tickets are reduced to £7.50. This includes a glass of wine or juice, savouries and cakes. There is a raffle with first prize of £50 voucher to spend on clothes, and other prizes.
Brands include M&S, Per Una, Phase eight, Next, Top Shop, Coast and Wallis with 50% or more off.
Please join us and make this a big fundraising event for your Federation, the best!

Tickets available from Eileen Dilley 01432 880527. Bramley, Sutton St Nicolas, Hereford, HR1 3AY.


I am arranging a Herefordshire Federation Taster day in November.

We will travel to Denman on a coach on Sunday15th and stay overnight to Monday 16th November. The courses available are;
1. Hand bell ringing with Gay Cooper
2. Calligraphy with Mary Noble.
3. Bead and wire Jewellery with Amy Surnam
4. Patchwork up cycling material with Christine Green.

The cost for this is £165 including coach travel. Please either e mail me for an application form or write enclosing a SAE.

A cheque for £20 made out to HFWI will secure your place. I announced this visit at our ACM and I have already had members anxious to attend. The closing date for this is Monday 15th June.

Thank you for completing the questionnaires that I sent to you about what you want from Denman and feel about it. You have told me that you would prefer to attend Denman in the Summer ,the most popular courses are craft and you would like to travel there on the coach. I will bear all of this in mind when I book the courses for our Federation visit in June next year.

The full details of the questionnaire are on our web page as part of the Denman report given at the ACM.
I hope to hear from you soon and let's make this a really enjoyable visit to Denman.

Contact me by e mail, phone or a letter. Val Lewis e mail or 01544 327700



If you are looking to check up on an event don't forget the regularly updated events calendar on our Herefordshire pages of the WI website ( The newsletter is on the Federation news page; reports and photos from the WI Forum are on the WI News pages, all arranged by month. Facebook users can also visit our Federation page for reminders and updates on Federation events. If there is anything else you would like to see on our web pages and/or Facebook page please let me know.


Tuition available anywhere/any subject (within reason!) on request, please contact me with your requirements. Six members from a WI local to me have asked me to help them at a tablet/Ipad session at a member's home.

Alison Lord Tel 01544340256


The club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Edgar Street on first Wednesdays, 11 am—12.15 pm. Subscription £6, visitors £1.00. May 6th Craft day, June 3rd AGM & Craft show & tell.
Enquires please contact:- Mrs Mary Roberts, Chairman, Tel: 01432 278328


Have a think about attending the world conference at Warwick University, Coventry next year 17-20th August 2016.

It was last held in the UK in 1939, More news to follow watch this space.

Brenda Drake, 01432 356653