WI News November 2015


 Eighteen members from Tupsley WI joined another 42 members from across the County at an International Evening held in St. John's Hall. The theme of the evening  was Wales, and a lovely supper of Welsh lamb hotpot followed by apple crumble with custard was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  We wish a big thank you to the County Federation for their organisation of the evening.

 A couple of red dragons kept our Bull Magna busy through the evening .They were part of a display of Welsh artefacts.

Entertainment was provided by the local harpist Bronwen Wilkins, who played a number of pieces with the theme of Wales.

NB-Magna has now visited 84 places of interest in the County in this Centenary Year. This will number 100 by the end of the year.Discussions are in progress regarding the best 12 photos to use for a planned calendar. Watch this space!



November brought once more our AM, with President Margaret Phillips saying "aurevoir" in her position, but remaining on the committee. Thanks were given to her for her conscientious endeavours. Christine Bushell has taken over her role and we wish her well. We look forward to 4 more members joining the committee team.

Our entertainment this month was given by the 2 teams from Peterstow that took part in the Herefordshire WI Cogan Cup speaking competition. Slides of our July garden party were also shown.

Regrettably we had to say goodbye to our secretary Diana Smith, who is moving to be near her family in the wilds of Suffolk. She will be sadly missed.


Holmer AM in November went off very well recalling all the many events taken place in the last year,  enjoying good food to celebrate, and of course the Beetle Drive when we all have a good laugh!



Pontrilas celebrated their 90th year with a Tea Party for over 65 people in August. Marion Jones a 90 plus "Timber Girl" with the Land Army in World War II gave us a fascinating talk about her life over the 6 years she served in the land army.


Ballingham & District celebrated their 50th anniversary in October with past and present members, and were pleased also that Kathryn Bandfield and WI advisor, Shirley Eastwood were able to attend.  Entertainment was provided by Pedro and his Percussion, who demonstrated a variety of musical instruments from around the world.  The more adventurous ladies joined in the performance and were pleasantly surprised at the rhythms produced.  Pedro finished his presentation with a selection of tunes on his saxophone, inspiring some of those present to get up and dance.

A bouquet of flowers was presented to founder member and first president, Muriel Harding, who has remained a member throughout all 50 years.

The evening ended with tea and a delicious home-baked birthday cake.


Saltmarshe Nov 

Our November meeting took place on the actual Remembrance Day this year and it was a joy to see the arrangement of poppies and candle which Norma had prepared for the table. Several members wore their own poppy too; be it knitted, in brooch form or in traditional style. Our singing of Jerusalem seemed all the more heartening.

The business of the AGM was, as usual, dealt with very ably by Wendy and in no time at all we welcomed our Speaker for the evening, Kathy Knill. Kathy had travelled from Pembridge to be with us and, despite her Sat Nav instructions leading her slightly astray, had arrived in good time. It was interesting to learn how Kathy had run a very girly gift shop with her daughter in Bath for six years. Their mantra was "no gift leaves this shop unwrapped" and pretty soon people were coming to them saying "can you show me how to wrap this ? " Their art of gift wrapping was born.

Starting with a basic wrap to cover an ordinary oblong box, Kathy demonstrated how vital it is never to start with more paper than you're actually going to need. Double-side tape and very sharp scissors are essential. Very quickly a beautifully wrapped present appeared, complete with ribbon and swan's feather.
The next wrapping contained pleats and looked very stylish. This time a ribbon - again produced with a flourish from Kathy's "bag of bits"- was folded in half and speedily attached to show diagonally.

Next came a round box, and really words are not enough to describe how Kathy worked to end up with another chic result. It's enough to say that pleating from the centre, kept in place always by one finger, was made to look so easy ! Kathy assured us that practice by ourselves would soon bring a similar outcome................ not too sure about that.

Awkwardly shaped items could be wrapped to look like an "envelope"; bottles could be stood vertically and wrapped with a pleating method to end up looking like a firecracker.

We certainly have been inspired to create elegance with our future gift giving.

In December we're meeting at Upper Sapey Golf Club on Friday 11th to enjoy our Christmas Lunch; always a joyous occasion.


At their November AGM, Stoke Prior and District WI members overwhelmingly voted to re-elect Mrs. Gill Harris as their President. Mrs Sue Moore was welcomed onto the Committee. After the formal business was concluded, local nursery owner, Leila Jackson gave a humorous and informative talk on Life At Chelsea, together with a powerpoint presentation. Her nursery, on their first visit this year, were awarded a wonderful Silver Medal, followed by a Gold at Malvern Autumn Show. Members are now looking forward to their Christmas Lunch at Leominster Golf Club on the 8th December.


The room was packed for the November meeting of Sparkling Wye WI, membership having increased by 50% over the last year and two vsitors were welcomed. Secretary Lindsay introduced the speaker, Jo Scriven, editor of the Ross Gazette with her talk "Behind the Scenes at the Ross Gazette". She explained that she has been working there for 15 years, just around the time that very basic computers had been introduced. During this time there have been many changes to the format of the paper, from broadsheet to the more recent "smaller version" (it wasn't seen fit to call it a tabloid!) and originally the front page did not have a headline but adverts. These days, the content is grouped appropriately:  sport, local groups, news, letters etc plus adverts. She did promise that none of the letters are actually written by her!! Ross being a fairly low crime area there have not been many shocking stories over her career, the Gazette is more a community newspaper holding the local community together. Old copies are on microfiche and now of course, there is an online version so access to backdated copies is much easier. Years ago the paper was written and printed in the old Gazette buildings in the Market Place, but these days it is typed up in Ross, the stories are sent to Aberystwyth and fitted in with the adverts and it then goes to be printed in Newbury – all done online of course! The circulation is 4-5000 copies but the readership probably much more! Jo encouraged local groups to continue sending in their reports. Lindsay thanked Jo for a fabulous talk and some insight into life on a local newspaper.
This was followed by the AGM. Two members were leaving the committee and one new member was joining, Chris agreed to be President for a second year and the Secretary, Lindsay, and Treasurer, Karen, also remained in post. Reports were then given by the officers. WIs can choose a local charity to support through their fundraising each year and, following a drawn vote, it was agreed that the charities for 2016 would be West Mercia Women's Aid and the Friends of Ross Hospital.

SWWI meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Conservative Club at 8pm, new members are always welcome. In addition to an interesting monthly meeting there are numerous social events throughout the year.


Bishopswood WI met at the Village Hall at 2.30pm on Friday, 13th November for our monthly meeting and the A.G.M., taken for the final time by our President, Mrs Ann Jones.  Twenty six members and two friends were present.   We started as usual with Jerusalem and the business meeting, taken by the President Mrs Ann Jones, who outlined the local and county events planned for the future.  Birthday cards and gifts were given as usual to the members with birthdays in November.  She outlined forthcoming village and county events and told us that the old banner was being framed to be placed in the hall beside the original banner.

The A.G.M. followed the meeting, the Treasurer's Report being given by the retiring Treasurer, Mrs Alison Kinder and the Secretary's by Mrs Cicely Symonds.  Ann then gave her twelfth and final report as President, and was presented with flowers and cards.   Mrs Gloria Clark gave a vote of thanks to the committee.  Three members of the committee were standing down, Ann Jones, Alison Kinder and Jackie Pennells. 

The cup for the competition winner was presented – 1st Jenny Winchester, 2nd Cynthia Hale and equal 3rd Su Jackson and Julie Eglington.

Mrs Jenny Winchester was unanimously elected as our new President, an office fulfilled by her mother in the past; her grandmother was a founder member of Bishopswood W.I.  so she was delighted to be presented with the President's  Chain of Office  by Ann.

We then had tea, after which we were entertained by humorous poems and prose read by Gloria and Jan.

Our next meeting on Friday, 11th December at 2.30pm is a talk on Jane Austen by Baroness Jill Pitkeathley.  The competition is An Unusual Christmas Card.  Teas – the Committee.


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At our October meeting we all made Autumn flower arrangements, under the able supervision of Pat Crane. Pat demonstrated the technique very well, and  we were all very impressed with our finished arrangements.

In November, Lewis Davies from Waitrose gave a talk on the history of John Lewis and Waitrose. It was very interesting to see the development of the company from one small shop, and to hear about the way the partnership has progressed to where it is today. He also brought us some delicious mince pies and sweets to sample! We finished off the evening with our Annual Meeting.


putley 1 

We always try and do something crafty at the AGM meeting thanks to the skills shared by members Alison Baldwin and Sian Nunn. In November we made decorations in decoupatch using beautiful papers. Secretary Julie Crompton also gave an excellent powerpoint  Review of the Year presentation and we realised how busy we've been and how our membership numbers have grown in recent months.

Picture shows members engrossed in their craft.


Much Cowarne will start 2016 with their annual coffee morning to be held at Stoke Lacy village hall on 8th January, 10.30 to 12 noon. The entrance fee will be £2.50 to include coffee and cake and there will be a bring and buy stall. Please join us and enjoy the company.


Saltmarshe 1 

Well now, what a busy day Nov 21st was! Table top Sale in Conquest Theatre, the big Switch on of the Bromyard Lights - as ever we reckon the light display to be one of if not THE best around !! - then taking part in the Quiz the same evening to raise funds for Saltmarshe Village Hall. Members of Saltmarshe & District W.I. are always ready to join in local community activities, and as our Meetings are HELD in the aforementioned Hall, naturally enough we turned out to give our support. In fact, eight members ( that is a third of our Membership) were in various teams, exercising their brains. Barry Bufton made for a very efficient Quizmaster - not even a wrong spelling gained a point ! - and a fun time was had by all.

Our picture shows our Member Anna, part of the winning team, The Ever Hopefuls, who aided by the crisps, nuts, biscuits and a bottle of wine managed to gain most points.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves very much.


At the AGM in November the outgoing President, Rosemary Bayles, thanked the committee and members for their hard work during the year., especially Secretary Sue and Treasurer Judith.  Rosemary was pleased to announce Isabel Carmichael as our new President, and wished her every success during the coming year.

 The Harvest Supper in October had been a great success and raised £394.  Members were asked to note the date for the Christmas Dinner was Tuesday, 8th December at the Talbot, Ledbury and the next craft evening will be in the Parish Hall on Thursday, 17th December.

Brenda Drake then gave an inspiring talk on the work ACWW (Associated Countrywomen of the World) and their up and coming conference in Warwick.  Our donation will go towards sponsoring a delegate from Eastern Europe to attend this meeting.  The talk was followed by refreshments and a quiz.

The next meeting, in the parish hall, will be on Thursday, 14th January at 7.30 pm.  For further information please telephone 01531 640029.  New members are always welcome.


The Meeting was opened by the President Margaret Coulson who welcomed the members plus three visitors and our W.I .Advisor June Stephens who is visiting us to conduct the AGM.  Apologies were received from our Treasurer Jo Butcher who is in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham having her knee sorted.

The Secretary Jenny Treasure placed the minutes of the previous meeting on the table for members to read.  The President read a letter she had received from Kathryn Bandfield explaining why she was standing down as Chairman of Hereford Federation.  Items of interest were mentioned from the Federation Newsletter also four of us had attended the International Evening at Hampton Bishop in October.  We were asked if anybody else would like to join us for our Christmas Lunch on 25th November we needed to know this evening please.  14 names were also taken for the Ledbury Panto in January; this part of the meeting was then closed. 

June Stephens welcomed everyone to the AM and invited the Secretary to read the minutes of last years AM which were duly read and everyone agreed for the President to sign them as a true record.  June informed the members the present members of the committee were all willing to stand for another year with the addition of Chris Mullens if they were in agreement, agreed.  June then handed out slips for members to nominate someone for President, three names were given one of which declined.  More slips were handed out for members to vote for one of the two remaining nominees, June collected the slips and counted the votes then announced the members had chosen Margaret Coulson as President.

Margaret thanked the members for their continued support.

Refreshments were served

9th December at 7.30pm will be the Christmas Celebrations of Ledbury WI when we will welcome Colin Myles to entertain us in the Parish Rooms, Catholic Church, New St; Ledbury.