Fed News Oct 14
Chairman's Letter for October
Dear Members,
Well what a happy week we had! I hope you all agree it was a really enjoyable and a great success. A number of members have commented on how lovely it was to meet up and socialise within our groups, which we don't do often enough.
I was interviewed twice for BBC Hereford & Worcester which enabled me to advertise our events and also to encourage women to come and join us at the WI.
The week began on a lovely afternoon in Pandy with tea provided by Gwent Federation when we
received the Baton. The Baton spent the week being transported through Herefordshire in so many ways - by foot, I took it 4 miles with Jan into Ledbury, by Pedi-cab, two Bentleys, a tractor, by boat, open top BMW, horseback, Morgan, and Triumph Herald. Each group organised their own celebration and they were all individual and enjoyable. I was sorry not be able to attend them all, but the ones I couldn't June Stephens stood in for me and did a great job.
Our Federation event at Lower Hope Garden by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Clive Richards was a
huge success. The weather was perfect, a lovely late summer afternoon, the garden spectacular, the
cakes, delicious, the generosity of the Richards' wonderful and we showed our appreciation by
attending; so many of us had dressed in costume and looked super. We raised £2737 before costs and Mr and Mrs Richards have kindly donated this to the WI. It will be used for the Centenary Celebrations next year, including a County Picnic and showing the Centenary AGM at the Courtyard.
We ended the week at Homme House by the kind generosity of Jocelyn and John Finnigan. It is a
wonderful setting and we had a lovely evening passing the Baton onto Worcestershire. We were
entertained by our choir who sang beautifully and Janice served delicious canapés.
There are so many thank you's that it would be hard to cover them all, but I feel I must thank all
group organisers and members for their input, everyone who helped with transporting the Baton, Mr
and Mrs Richards, Jocelyn, John and Neville Symonds, who provided the wine at Homme House.
As some of you are aware Alison updated the website and Facebook every day to enable members to follow the Baton, but for those who are unable to access it we have produced a special insert in the newsletter to enable you to see the best photographs of the week.
Thank you all once again I felt very proud to be your Chairman during our celebration week.
The Centenary Baton in Herefordshire
Denman Report
There are thirty of us who are looking forward to our Denman Designer day on 9/10th November, many have not been to Denman before and I hope that it will be a memorable experience. I am looking forward to meeting everyone.
I have booked another Federation visit to Denman on Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th June 2015. There are four courses available with limited places available, a completed application form and a £50 deposit will secure your place. Courses available are;
A/ The WI Baking Mini Break with Alison Haigh cost £295
B/ Discover Oxford with Morse and Lewis with Chris Lloyd cost £270
C/ Silk Painting with Embroidery and Quilting with Mary Day cost £255
D/ Watercolours; Atmospheric Landscapes with Pat Gove cost £255
There will be an extra charge for the coach depending on the amount of members attending, this will be kept as low as possible.
This is an opportunity to see Denman in the Summer, meet and socialise with members of our Federation and learn something new at the same time. The absolute closing date is now Tuesday 10th December but it will be the first with their deposit secures the place on the course chosen. Please either phone me or email me and I will send an application form and more details.
VAL LEWIS email valjlewis1@aol.com or 01544 327700
Denman Day visits
27th October 2014 May Martin star of "The Sewing Bee" talks about her new book "May Martins sewing bible, 40 years of tips and tricks" This talk includes lunch and a copy of her book. Tickets £65 members and £70 for non members.
27th November, A morning with Sheila Hancock as she discusses her new book "Miss Curtsies War" This is a portrait of post war Britain and a remarkable chronicle of our life and times. This includes a two course lunch and a copy of the book. Very limited amount of tickets available.
Digital Champion News
Computer Training – Please contact me if you have anything you would like to practise at a computer workshop and I will arrange a date to suit. There have not been many requests over the summer.
What is Facebook? Nine members came to WI House for this course and gave me some great feedback on how useful it was to them; here is a sample. "'Computers are wonderful -they do exactly as they are told. When I joined WI, as soon as I was old enough to learn how to bake, I never thought 65 years later I'd be swapping jam recipes with my Facebook friends! Thank you Ann! If I have more enquiries I will run the course again, either at WI house or at your WI if you prefer but you will require Wi-Fi as I use my Facebook page to demonstrate.
Future events: I have had one or two people say they would be interested in setting up a website for their WI; if there is interest I could run a course on this. Also if there is anyone who would like to know more about the WI Moodle, I could do a presentation on this also.
Could you all check the WI map on the website please as you should now all be able to find your WI's on there! www.thewi.org.uk
Alison Lord digitalchampion.hfwi@gmail.com