WI Programme
Wellington W.I. Programme 2024-25
- April 2nd : Richard Hesbrook- Antarctica
May 7th : Dinedor Community Choir
June 4th : Penny Platts - The Beauty of Japan
July 2nd : Ray Sturdy - The Rise and Fall of Witley Court
August 6th : Outing to Witley Court
September 3rd : “Have a go” Bowling at Wellington Bowls Club
October 1st : Wendy Thompson - Style and Colour in personal styling
November 5th : Anita Bradshaw - The Body Shop and their charity COTE
December 3rd : Wellington Handbells
January : Members lunch TBA
February 4th: Resolutions
March 4th: Annual Meeting & topic tbc.
Visitors are very welcome at £4 to include refreshments.