HFWI Committees
Membership Support Team
The MST consists of all WI Advisers and their supporters. It supports the individual WIs around the County and is principally concerned with the role of the WI Advisers and their interaction with the WIs and the formation of new WIs. The Team runs workshops for WI Officers and any other workshops that are deemed appropriate at the time.
The Education Committee is committed to the organisation of the International Evening and also two very popular competitions which take place on alternate years, namely the Joy Ward Silver Trophy Poetry Competition from titles chosen by the committee and the Cogan Cup, for the spoken word, usually held in September. The winning Institute may be asked to perform at the Annual Council Meeting.
Chairman: Veronica Madgen Trustee
Digital Team
The Digital Team consists of several volunteers, Alison Lord who edits this website and is an administrator on the Facebook page as well as Caroline Miller, and Roz Simcock, Federation Secretaries. Caroline Miller will also be collating the HFWI news for the newsletter. Christy Crouch is also an administrator on the Facebook page and edits the Climate Ambassador page on this website. More digital helpers are warmly welcomed.
Go to Digital Information Page
Public Affairs Team
The PAT includes Climate Ambassadors and the Resolution Coordinator. It is involved with both National and local campaigns so that members can be kept up to date with issues of public concern. Every member can campaign on any resolution approved by NFWI, past or present, either individually, with their WI or with the Federation. Please get in touch if you would like to get more involved with National or local campaigns, discuss resolutions, or hear more about NFWI public events.